Three Warning Signs that Money is Becoming Your Idol
Jesus warned us against making money an idol. How do you know if you are starting to bow before the idol of money? Here are three signs: when you see people as resources, when you cannot be happy for others, and when you are living in a state of comparison.
What Is God’s Will Regarding Personal Finance? – Stewardship
Having a Pilgrim Mentality about Money and Possessions
How should we view our money and possessions? This article encourages a view that is fitting for pilgrims passing through to their destination.
How to Pass the True Money Test
The love of money is a sin. But how do you know if you love money? This article explains one test that can help you tell whether or not you love money.
Five Practical Ways to Teach Your Kids about Money
How do you teach children about money? There are five ways that parents can teach their children in this matter, and the article discusses them.
Seven Steps to Agree with Your Spouse about Money
Is money a bone of contention in your marriage? This article offers seven tips to help you agree on handling money in marriage.
Money and Fading Away
How should a retirement plan influence you? This article shows the tendency of people to fade into the background as they age, and the connection this has to money. It identifies the biblical concern about fading away in this vein.
Choosing a God-Honouring LIfestyle
What is a financial lifestyle that is honouring to God? This article discusses the legitimate diversity that there is in the amount of money and possessions owned by Christians.
Four Truths about Christian Giving
This article highlights four key truths about Christian giving: it is both a spiritual gift and a discipline of discipleship, a management of God's money, a ministry with God's money, and a mindset regarding God's money.
The Christian and Money
Financial Mistakes We Made and Avoided
This article considers what are some of the financial mistakes we make with money and which ones can we avoid.
Thirteen Ways You Waste Your Money
This article offers thirteen ways you can waste money.
Deuteronomy 17 – War, Women, and Wealth
Deuteronomy 17 has something to teach us about the temptations of sex, gender, sexuality, and money. Let the article explain
Work and Money
This article considers how we ought to use our money, and it takes its direction from Ephesians 4:28.
Joy Is for the Generous
Money cannot buy happiness, but money can be used to generate holy joy. How? 1 Chronicles 29 explains how giving does this.
Master Your Finances
How should you manage your finances? The place to start is to know that you have no money of your own; you are a steward. It has been entrusted to you by God for his own purposes. This article explains what financial management should look like.
Calvin and Commerce – Creation
For John Calvin the subjects of money, wealth, and business are all created entities. Money is a creation, and as such it should not be worshipped, overemphasized, or ignored. Like the rest of creation, it has a place and is useful. In the section of Chapter 1 presented here, the creaturely character of the economy is considered.
Three Exemplary Jesus Practices about Money and Work
Giving Glory to God with Our Money: A Biblical Approach
Money Matters
Money (5): Developing a Heart that Values Money Rightly
By fighting against materialism, Christians can learn to value money based on its intended purpose. Materialism leads to idolatry, while seeking to glorify God leads to viewing money only as a tool.
Money (4): The Economics of Tomorrow - Debt and Saving
Money (3): The Economics of Today - Spending and Budgeting
Money (2): Giving
Money (1): God's Purpose for Wealth
Why do you have money? This article on Matthew 25:14-30 shows that all money belongs to God. God entrusts it to us so that we can exercise faithful stewardship, while knowing that we are accountable to Him for it.
Biblical Personal Finance Earning and Spending for God's Glory
Training Our Children to be Best Stewards of Christ
How can parents best train their children to be stewards of Christ? Parents should first confess that all we have is from God. They should also acknowledge that personal sin and the materialism of this world hinder Christian stewardship. Working from this, parents should train their children to be stewards of their money, time, abilities and opportunities.
Children - Or is Tithing Only for Adults?
Careful, Careful!
True Security
Financial challenges and bankruptcy face us because through them we are made to learn that this world is passing away. We should not love money above God. Our security rests in God alone.
From Generation to Generation
To Whom Should I Give?
Proverbs 3:1-10 – Priorities, Loyalty, and Faithfulness
The Christian Family Budget
Missions is More than Money: Criteria for Supporting Missions in the Local Church
2 Corinthians 8-9 - The ministry of giving (Part 1)
This is a Bible Study on 2 Corinthians 8. Money,giving and tithing is discussed in this article.