Weeping and Rejoicing Together
Sanctifying Our Children
Ephesians 4:30 – “Grieve Not”
Sin grieves the Holy Spirit, for it works contrary to the work of the Spirit. This article shows you how this is so by looking at the sins that grieve the Holy Spirit, from Ephesians 4:30.
Active Congregational Involvement
Members of the congregation can be involved in mission work and evangelism in two ways: directly and indirectly. This article looks at both ways.
Paedobaptism Demands Parental Instruction and Ecclesiastical Keys
This article looks at the relationship between infant baptism, parental instruction, and the keys of the kingdom. It shows how parental instruction links with the keys of the kingdom.
Current Threats to Raising God’s Covenant Children
Substance abuse, television, ungodly music, sports, and internet are threats facing parents in their parenting duty to their covenant children. This article discusses these threates, and how parents can combat them.
The Reformation and the Doctrine of Man: Man’s Total Depravity
John Calvin understood original sin to refer to the truth that through Adam’s fall all men are depraved by nature, sinful and corrupt, lacking all of the original righteousness with which Adam was created. This is the truth of total depravity, which this article fleshes out.
Love and the Husband
From Ephesians 5:25 this article shows that man is called to love his wife. It shows that such love mirrors Christ's love.
Cross-Cultural Missions – Its Biblical Basis
With the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost, the gospel was to reach all nations. This article shows how cross-cultural missions began in the New Testament, and the challenges faced in this regard.
Calvinism and Missions: Perseverance of the Saints
This article shows how the doctrine of perseverance of the saints should motivate evangelism and mission work.
The Force of the Second Commandment in Worship
The second commandment is related to how God’s people must worship him. This article looks at the reasons why God forbids the use of images. It looks at the explanation of this commandment from Lord’s Day 35, showing that it points to a regulative principle of worship.
Calvinism and Missions: Irresistible Grace
This article shows that the only hope for missions and evangelism lies in grasping the truth God’s grace is always effectual. It shows that irresistible grace was the motive for Reformers to be involved in missions and evangelism, and so it must be for the church today.
Romans 12:17-19 - Avenge Not Yourselves
Romans 12:15-16 - Weeping and Rejoicing Together
The Task of Missions
The Objects of Missions
The Motives for Mission Work
The Spiritual Condition of the Evangelizing Church
This article is about the church's task to evangelize, and looks at Acts 2:42-47 and other texts in Acts. It also talks about church growth, and the importance of God's blessing in our work of evangelism.
Evaluating Sermon Criticism
How should the minister react to sermon criticism? This article looks at openness to and good evaluation of sermon criticism, the self-criticism of the minister, preaching supervision, and the elders and sermon criticism.
The Necessity of Evangelism
This article is about the place of the church in evangelism, and the necessity for the church to see this calling.
"Successful" Missions
This article is about church growth success and the importance for the church to stay faithful to its calling.