Three Ways Sex in Your Marriage Can Be Sinful
"Sexual sin" usually refers to sinful behavior outside marriage. But can sex within marriage also be sinful? This article describes three ways in which sex can be harmful in marriage.
Four Things God Wants Us to Know about Sex
Does God say anything about sex in the Scriptures? The article describes four things the Lord teaches on the matter.
Ten Challenging Truths about Sex and the Bible
What does the Bible say about sex? Our modern society has its own teaching about sex, which is often contrary to the teaching of the Bible. This article mentions ten biblical truths about sex.
Feminists Get It Half Right
Puritan Christianity: The Puritans at Home
What Genesis 1:1 Teaches Us about Our Sexuality
Enjoying God's Gift Christians seek to Live with Integrity in a Sexualised Culture
The Best Sex Research Shows Our Bodies are Wired to Operate Best with One Partner for Life
Naked without Shame A Guided Tour of Modern Mores — and God’s
Singing Sex’s Praises
Pure Sex
A Divine Relationship Love isn’t Half-hearted, but Sex can be
The Gospel of Jesus Christ and Sex
Playboy Is Too Boring to Succeed
Why is it that pornography cannot satisfy you? Why is it that the sex revolution leaves man empty? Because there is more to sex than the physical. There is a mystery and it is this mystery that people search for.
Christian Sexual Ethics
What should be the Christian approach to sex before marriage, sex outside marriage, homosexuality, pornography, sexual abuse, and pedophilia? This article studies these issues and from 1 Corinthians 6:12-7:9 gives principles that must govern sexual stewardship, because sex is a gift from God.
The Sexual Revolution's Long Shadow
How can Christians counter the sexual revolution shaping the culture? One has to realize that sexual revolution spreads through a story, so Christians can counter it by telling another story that points to true freedom, equality, and celebration of sex. This article explains that story.
A Christian Engagement of Raunch Culture
Biblical sexuality is the true answer to the raunch culture, because sex, in God's design, is never mechanical.
Love & Respect in the Bedroom
This article discusses God's design for sex in marriage, as one marked by love and respect.
Ten Things You Should Know about Sex
This article carefully raises ten points that believers should know about sex.
Paul – Anti-marriage? Anti-Sex? Ascetic? A Dialogue with 1 Corinthians 7:1-40
Was the apostle Paul an ascetic who saw marriage and sex as ungodly evils? These and related issues like celibacy are examined in the context of 1 Corinthians 7. The author argues against such interpretations. He offers a careful examination of the situational and discourse context and the structure of the chapter.
The Thing about Sex
This article outlines a Christian perspective on sex. It is one of God's gifts, and should be thought of, especialy by husbands, from a biblical perspective: sex is something that goes far beyond the physical.
The Ethics of Contraception: A Theological Assessment
How should the use of contraceptives as instruments of family planning be viewed from a theological perspective? The arrival of the Pill in 1960 caused a major shift in thinking about this topic. Hollinger considers the theological argument against contraception that has too often been missing in ethical considerations in Protestant circles.
Sex on the Silver Screen
The Bible teaches that sex is sacred, to be shared only between a husband and wife in the context of marriage. How does this principle affect the view of sexual scenes on TV? The article explores the matter.
Sex under Law, Sex under Grace
God did not only create sex. He made it clear that sex is for marriage only. Hence it is only sex within marriage that sex becomes under grace; sex outside marriage is under law. The article explains what that means.
Compassion without Compromise – Something Beautiful: Why Did God Make Sex?
Two Different Ways to Think about Sex in Marriage
What's the Purpose of ... Sex?
Sex is not meant just for your appetite; it is not just an expression of mutual affection, nor a way of fulfilling yourself. What is the purpose of sex? This article explains.
Sexual Consent in a Confused, Confusing World
Is sexual consent enough for engaging in sexual activity? The world says Yes. The Bible says No. More than sexual consent is required to engage in sex. The article explains what that is.
Sanctified Sex
A Depraved New World
In this analysis, the author traces the degradation of longstanding morals around sex and marriage, noting the involvement of such factors as utilitarian philosophy and the technological advances in contraception.
Cultural Revolution
Promoting Sexual Purity: Is the Television a Friend or Foe?
Sexual Devolution: What Has Gone Happened, and How We Might Respond
Sex is Like a Typewriter
God has created sex to be a beautiful thing in a marriage relationship. How is sex like a typewriter? God has designed sex and sexuality, and He is the best one to write the instruction book. Believers should seek to understand God's purpose in sex. God, who created us in the holistic unity of our bodies, souls, minds, and spirits, made our sexuality part of that wholeness. God reveals this design in the Scriptures.
Pure Sex
God's unyielding hostility toward immorality is well known, and yet immorality threatens to overwhelm us. For what purpose did God create sex, and how can we be sexually pure? This article talks about sex as being created for procreation, partnership, pleasure, and to portray the covenant. The author also discusses why God is hostile towards sexual sin.
Pastoral Evaluation on The Basotho’s View of Sexuality
This article discusses the views of Augustine, Aquinas, Luther and Calvin on sexuality and sexual intercourse, comparing them to the understanding of the Basotho culture in Africa. Though there are some points of agreement, this article shows that the Basotho’s understanding of sex does not place God at the centre or promote His glory.
Is Sandusky Really Such a Bad Guy After All?
This article looks at the relationship between sexual freedom, sexual violence, morality, and evolution. How do we decide what is right and wrong? The author shows that if we reject God's standards, we are left with only pragmatic arguments - the ethics of consequences. This article shows that true freedom is found by delighting in God's law and His gracious forgiveness.
The Weakening of the Institution of Marriage
Sex & Self-Control
You May use Birth Control, if...
This article is about birth control, procreation and the use of contraception. The author looks at children as a gift from God, the purpose of sex, and at marriage as the image of the relationship between Christ and the church.
Friends With Benefits
This article is about Friends With Benefits and the casual way our society looks at sex, sexual immorality and lust. The article also looks at how we should educate our children with regards to sexuality.