Bothersome Sin
Dating 101
Staying Chaste in a Sex-Saturated World
The Seventh Commandment for Teens and Young People
To My Daughters The Distillation of a Lifetime's Wisdom on Living and Loving
Father to Son Ten Things I’d like my Son to Know Before he Starts Dating
Lead in Dating Your Wife – A Guide for Husbands
Changing the Dating Culture
The Dating Game
Song of Songs for Us Today
Dating and the Deep Blue Sea…and the Way of Christ
There is the Christian way to dating as well as the heathen way. From Proverbs 30:18-19, this article shows that in finding a marriage partner, the Christian starts from the conviction that God has given us guidance on this matter.
Courtship Vs. Dating: The Biblical Model
Ten Things You Should Know about Dating
The Covenant Marriage: Courtship within the Covenant
Dating or courtship is a means a person uses to seek out a spouse. This article shows how God’s covenant relationship with his church should guide how believers court. It looks at 2 Corinthians 6:14-18 to show that the believer should not search for a spouse among unbelievers.
Five Ways to Ruin a Perfectly Good Dating Relationship
This article discusses five ways you can ruin what could have been a beautiful dating relationship.
Danger Signs of an Unhealthy Dating Relationship
How healthy is your dating relationship? How can you know that you are in a healthy dating relationship? There are six signs that can tell you.
Holding Hands, Holding Hearts Biblical Principles make better encounters – and marriages
To My Daughters
Father to Son: Ten Things I'd Like My Son To Know before He Starts Dating
For The Gals: 8 Principles For Dating
You want to have dating that is meaningful and truthful? Here are eight principles for you.
Courtship and Dating: FBH Ethos Classes A Main Text – 1 Thess 4:1-8
Committed Surrender
The author traces the growing trend where commitment is being pushed aside in today's popular culture, with respect to dating, marriage, as well as one's faith to the Lord Jesus Christ.