Reflections on the Same-Sex Marriage Plebiscite
Same-Sex Debacle If same-sex marriage is legalised, Christian ministers must hand in their marriage licenses
Same-Sex Marriage and the Future
How should the church respond to the legalizing of same-sex marriage and homosexuality? The church must always proclaim the gospel and stand by its demands.
Tied in Knots
Same-sex marriage and homosexuality have brought challenges to the church in thinking about marriage. This article answers ten challenges raised by the issue of same-sex marriage.
What's Wrong with Same-Sex "Marriage"?
This article considers some of the fallacies about same-sex marriage. Some argue that marriage is only about individual rights, that marriage laws should not be discriminatory, and that same-sex marriage would benefit same-sex couples without adversely affecting society. These are evaluated, and therefore the truth of the problem is discussed.
A Christian Response to Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
Same Sex Marriage
Influencing Society For Good
Looking at homosexuality, same-sex marriages and civil unions, this article shows how the Christian can uphold God's standard in politics and social life.
Some Thoughts on Gay Rights
Arguing from natural law is not sufficient for standing against homosexuality and same-sex marriage. The key reason gay marriage is wrong is wrong because God has declared it so.