The Signs of the Covenant
The Idea and Importance of the Sacraments (1)
Not only does God tell us about His love and grace, but He also makes them visible to us in the sacraments. This article is about the sacraments as signs of grace.
Church Signs
Luke 17:26-30 - As in the Days of Noah
Wonder-Working Power: The Incarnation and the Quest for Self-Importance
Miracles, Wonders and Signs
Signs and Wonders, Heresy, and Love for God
The Seventh Johannine Sign: A Study in John’s Christology
The importance of signs in the Gospel of John is generally acknowledged. However, there is no treatment of the exact number and identity of the Johannine signs. For important reasons such a work, however, is needed. While six Johannine signs are commonly acknowledged, there is no agreement regarding possible other signs in John's Gospel. Through an exploration of the alternative proposals, greater clarity, if not consensus, could be achieved.