From Sabbath to Lord's Day
The Lord's Day
The Fourth Commandment: Keeping the Sabbath Day
The Fourth Commandment The Ten Commandments Series: Part 4
The Spiritual Observance of the Lord's Day
Seven Things to Remember
A Tomb with a View Ceremonial is Out the Back Window, Resurrection Life Out the Front
Identity Crisis The Bible Mandates the Lord’s Day, a Blessing to Believers
Why Keep the Lord's Day?
Whose Day Is It?
Is Once Enough?
Does the Bible require you to attend church twice on a Sunday? This article examines reasons that cause poor church attendance. It shows that understanding the nature of the Lord’s Day is crucial to answering the question on church attendance.
The Good Practice of Two Services, One Given to Catechism Preaching
This article gives the historical development of the practice of having two services on the Lord’s Day. It gives reasons why Catechism preaching needs to continue.
Celebrating the Sabbath? Biblical Principles and Practice Regarding the Lord’s Day
Ethos of the Lord’s Day
What Happened to the Sabbath?
Influence has a way of working itself without one being aware of it. This article looks at the influences which have caused the church to be lax with observing the Lord’s Day. Worship services are often modified in order to accomodate influences such as recreation, sports, and entertaiment.
Sunday Labor
Observing the Sabbath begins with a clear understanding that God's people have been sanctified in Christ. Since they are set aside for God, God’s people can dedicate the Sunday to the Lord. This article discusses why the church needs the Lord’s Day, and looks at the topic of working on a Sunday.