Should We Worship and Rest on Saturday or Sunday?
Experiencing the Day of Rest in the First Century
The Reality of Heaven: Entering Sabbath Rest
Perfect Sabbath-Keeping
From Sabbath to Lord's Day
The Lord's Day
A Day Belonging to Jesus
Is it proper to conclude that "the Lord's Day" in Revelation 1:10 refers to Sunday? This article engages with this question.
The Sunday Family Fiasco
Is Once Enough?
Does the Bible require you to attend church twice on a Sunday? This article examines reasons that cause poor church attendance. It shows that understanding the nature of the Lord’s Day is crucial to answering the question on church attendance.
Delighting in the Sabbath Day
Grain-Gleaning and Sheep-Rescuing: Sabbath Works of Necessity
What about the 4th Commandment?
Keeping the Lord's Day for Profit
Christ's Resurrection & the Change of the Sabbath Day
Affirmation of the Christian Sabbath
The Lord's Day is intended to secure rest, blessing, and delight for the Christian. This article shows how keeping the Sabbath brings that, and it gives practical suggestions to keeping the Sunday.
Sunday, Glorious Day of the Lord A Resource
Rest or Stress 4th Commandment
Jesus - Lord of the Sabbath
Sunday: The Lord's Glorious Day (A Resource)
Sunday Celebration and Working on Sunday
A Mother Looks at the Sabbath Observance
Sunday Labor
Observing the Sabbath begins with a clear understanding that God's people have been sanctified in Christ. Since they are set aside for God, God’s people can dedicate the Sunday to the Lord. This article discusses why the church needs the Lord’s Day, and looks at the topic of working on a Sunday.
Nehemiah 13:15-18 - Judah’s Profaning the Sabbath
Nehemiah 13:15-18 reveals how Judah profaned the Sabbath. This article looks at what contributed to this sin and provides reasons why keeping the Sabbath was so crucial for God’s people. The author discusses what it meant to not keep the Sabbath, and how Christians today should view the Sunday.
Why on Sunday
God's Special Day
A Primer on the Lord's Day
The Sabbath: A Sign of Hope
This article explains how the weekly Sabbath rest is a sign of hope, pointing forward to the everlasting rest that is still to come. The author looks at Hebrews 3:7-Hebrews 4:13. Other topics that are discussed are the Sunday and the new heavens and new earth, and the Lord's Day as a sign.
The Sabbath and Worship
This article is about the central place worship has on a Sunday. It also discusses the reformed practice of two worship services on a Sunday.
Especially on the Day of Rest
This article is about the Sunday as the day of public worship, and how the Christian festivals were viewed in the early church. It focuses on the liturgical year of the early church.