Worship In His Fear: The Votum
The order of worship is something whose meaning and significance can be lost on worshippers. By focusing on the meaning of the votum at the beginning of a worship service, the author shows that understanding the meaning of this can keep worshippers humble and grateful for God’s grace.
Worship in His Fear: The Salutation
The order of worship is something whose meaning and significance can be lost on worshippers. By focusing on the meaning of the salutation at the beginning of a worship service, the author shows that understanding the meaning of this can keep worshipers humble and grateful for God’s grace.
Godly Contentment
Contentment is the cure to covetousness. From 1 Timothy 6:6-10 this article discusses Christian contentment in relation to earthly possessions and personal circumstances.
Christian Joy
John Knox on Liturgy and Worship
Is Once Enough?
Does the Bible require you to attend church twice on a Sunday? This article examines reasons that cause poor church attendance. It shows that understanding the nature of the Lord’s Day is crucial to answering the question on church attendance.
How should a believing couple respond when they are childless? This article shows that the proper response to childlessness will be to seek God’s way of dealing with this struggle. This means that they should know that marriage is complete even without children, and that their place in God’s covenant and church does not depend on having children.
All to God’s Glory
But what does it mean to glorify God? This article shows that it is a response based on who God is, and what he does through salvation. Hindrances to glorifying God are also pointed out.
Faithfully Afflicted
God does not spare his children from afflictions. These are signs of God’s love to his children, for through them he reveals his care as a Father, and he disciplines his children. So Christians must pay attention to their afflictions.
Displaying Our Banner
If you are a Christian you have been given a banner according to Psalm 60:4. Do you know what a banner is? By using the analogy of a banner this article discusses ways in which Christians can lift up God’s truth. Looking at the Bible, creeds, confessions, preaching, and parental instruction, the author makes the call to lift our banner high.
Worship Acceptable in God’s Sight
To worship God is to enter God’s presence in order to have fellowship with him. This article explains the character of this worship and its nature.
Delighting in the Sabbath Day
Special Days of Prayer
In times of affliction and distress the churches may deem it important to call for special days of prayer. This article explains the nature of prayer for those days.
Romans 12:1 – Our New Testament Sacrifice
Christians are called to offer their bodies as sacrifices to the Lord. This article shows that such sacrifices are rooted in the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit, who make the believers holy and acceptable to God, as explained in Romans 12:1
Maintaining Authority in our Homes
All authority is ordained by God. This article explains the implications of this for the exercise of authority in the Christian home. It examines the exercising of authority in parenting and the role of children in submitting to authority.
Psalm 122:6 – Praying for Jerusalem’s Peace
From Psalm 122:6 this article shows that believers have the responsibility to pray for the peace of the church. This article gives reasons why such a prayer is needed.
Personal Devotions
This article looks at the importance of Bible reading, meditation, and prayer in doing personal devotions.
The Difficult Life
Jesus Christ described the Christian life as walking the narrow road and entering through the narrow gate (Matthew 7:13-14). What makes this path narrow and how can Christians travel it?
Adorning Sound Doctrine
Doctrine and life cannot be separated. This article asserts that sound doctrine is important and necessary as a basis of and motivation for godly living.
A Goal in the Philippines (3): Self-Propagating Churches (2)
What would mission work be like if one was to do missions with the aim of establishing a self-propagating church (self-propagating meaning a church that is involved in mission work and evangelism)? This article discusses this question, sharing ways through which this goal can be achieved. The author identifies foreign financial aid as the biggest hindrance to achieving this goal, since it creates dependency.
A Goal in the Philippines (2): Self-Propagating Churches (1)
What would mission work be like if one was to do missions with the aim of establishing a self-propagating church (self-propagating meaning a church that is involved in mission work and evangelism)? This article discusses this question, sharing ways through which this goal can be achieved. The author identifies foreign financial aid as the biggest hindrance to achieving this goal, since it creates dependency.
A Goal in the Philippines (1):
What would mission work be like if one was to do missions with the aim of establishing a self-governing church (where office-bearers are local men)? This article addresses this question and shares four ways through which such a goal can be achieved.
Establishing Reformed Churches (3)
What does it mean to be a Reformed church? How can one plant a Reformed church through mission work? This article answers these questions by discussing five aspects of being reformed: history, doctrine, worship, lifestyle, and church government.
Establishing Reformed Churches (2)
What does it mean to be a Reformed church? How can one plant a Reformed church through mission work? This article answers these questions by discussing five aspects of being reformed: history, doctrine, worship, lifestyle, and church government.
Establishing Reformed Churches (1)
What does it mean to be a Reformed church? How can one plant a Reformed church through mission work? This article answers these questions by discussing five aspects of being reformed: history, doctrine, worship, lifestyle, and church government.
Christ-Like Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are sojourners, or pilgrims, in this world. Being a pilgrim is a result of being a follower of Christ. Like Christ, Christians must learn to face suffering (Peter 2:21). This article shows how Christians can follow in Christ's footsteps by submitting to suffering without being vengeful.
The Pilgrims’ Awareness of the End
The Bible reminds Christians that they are sojourners, or pilgrims, in this world. What makes them pilgrims? They are pilgrims because they are aware of the end. They know that this world will come to an end in order to fulfill God’s purpose for His church. The awareness of this end shapes the way Christians live their lives in this world as they journey toward the eternal city.
Food for Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are sojourners, or pilgrims, in this world. How can Christians travel on this journey? Pilgrims depend on the preached word of God as their food, as is stated in 1 Peter 2:2. Looking at the analogy of milk, the author discusses the characteristics of this preaching.
Persecuted Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are strangers and pilgrims in this world. As pilgrims, Christians will face persecution. This article shows that this persecution comes first of all because it is God’s will. Persecution can also be a comfort to God's child, since Christians are persecuted for Christ's sake. Christians can be assured of God's protection throughout persecution.
Holy Pilgrims
Hopeful Pilgrims
The Bible reminds Christians that they are strangers and pilgrims in this world. Why is this so? This article names God’s election as the cause of this. By electing individuals, God has prepared heaven for them. Therefore, the daily life of a Christian is filled with hope and an eager desire to be home.
Every believer will face some form of discouragement in his life. This is a fact. However, how should believers deal with discouragements? This article provides some answers to this question. Prayer, "positive thinking", God’s refreshing visits through His Spirit, and the gift of fellowship with other believers are the cure for discouragement.
Humility in Affliction
It is a given that, in one way or another, every Christian will face affliction for the sake of Christ. This is so because God’s hand directs such afflictions. This article shares way to respond in a godly way in times of suffering. Pride and the way it manifests itself causes one respond wrongly to affliction. However, humility and acknowledging God characterize a proper response.
The Unknown Day
Why did God not reveal the day of judgement? God chose not to reveal this, which means that Christians must always be ready. The author of this article issues a warning to the unprepared.
Women and Missions (2)
Women and Missions (1)
Should women be involved in mission work? This article looks at what mission work involves, and maintains that women have a great responsibility to support the preaching of the gospel in mission work.