Relating Prayer and Pain: Psychological Analysis and Lamentations Research
This article exposes diverse applications of psychological approaches to the book of Lamentations. It gives an analysis of the benefits and limitations of this research. It then continues to relate prayer and pain in the poetry of Lamentations by exploring the connections between Lamentations and the psychology of prayer.
Formal Analysis and the Psalms
How can poetry like the Psalms best be analyzed? One method is formal analysis as practiced by the Chicago Critics. This paper wants to give examples of such an analysis—(Psalm 1 and Psalm 51)—and try to determine what it can add to other existing methods of analysis.
Is the Song of Songs a "Sacred Marriage" Drama?
What is the literary type that Song of Songs belongs to? Is is drama, poetry, or a song? The essay argues that it is lyric love poetry.
The Effects of Poetic and Literary Style on the Interpretation of the Early Chapters of Genesis
The significance of the Semitic poetry and literary style in which Genesis 1-Genesis 11 is written is considered.