The Sexless Agenda Neo-pagans want to Blur the Distinctiveness of God’s Creation
Gospel Untruth The Gospel of Judas reveals the Ancient World, not Christ
Why You Should Care for Creation Now
While denying Gnosticism, are Christians practical Gnostics? How will you answer this question? This article explains that caring for creation is biblical and also testifies to our anticipation of the new world.
A Non-Polemical Reading of 1 John: Sin, Christology, and the Limits of Johannine Christianity
Are there very real opponents that motivated the writing of 1 John? This article offers a reading to understand the treatment of sin and Christology in 1 John that does not require Gnosticism or Docetic-like opponents to account for its outline.
Cruising for a Bruising: Scientology's Relatives of Gnosticism and Satanism
In this article, the author discusses the religion of Scientology and traces its links to both Gnosticism and Satanism.
Heresies of the Apostolic Age
What were the heresies of the apostolic age? This is the question discussed in this article. The main heresies include Gnosticism, Docetism, and the heresy of Cerinthus.
Gnosticism and Synthesis Religion
The church has always been faced by heretical teachings. This article introduces Gnosticism, its origin and teachings. It shows how the church responded to it, and how it relates to the church today.
Perversions of the Gospel
Berkhof studies some perversions of the gospel from the time of the early New Testament church to when Gnosticism took centre stage. In the early church he takes note of perversions such as those of the Nazarenes, the Ebionites, and the Elkesaites. He also examines Gnosticism, its origins, character, teachings, and historical significance.
This article explores the ancient heresy Gnosticism, which bears influence still today.
The Gnostic Gospels: A Review Article
The Gnostic writings of the Nag Hammadi library form the subject of this article. The relationship between Gnosticism and early Christianity is explored as the author reflects on the contribution of Elaine Pagels.
The Gnostics and History
Gnosticism was a heresy that flourished in the second century A.D. This paper introduces Gnosticism and notes its cosmology, theology, and view of history.
Perversions of the Gospel
From the beginning the gospel faced the threat of being perverted. This article looks at the Nazarenes, Ebionites, Elkesaites, and Gnosticism as those sects that perverted the gospel.
The Glory of Heaven – Heaven Is Real; Hallucinations Are Not
Chapter 2 addresses man’s ill-motivated interest in heaven, angels, and the afterlife. Much of this interest flows from gullible superstition, Gnosticism, occultism, or New Age philosophies. The author examines popular claims to near-death experiences, including Todd Burpo’s claims to being a visitor to heaven.
Knowledge: True Knowledge of God Comes through Faith
Christian knowledge of God is intellectual, volitional, and moral. This knowledge comes through faith, and it is different from the knowledge of Gnosticism. This is what the article explains.
A Creed, A Canon, And An Organization
In this article on church history, the author shows how the introduction of heresies such as Gnosticism and Montanism created a need for the Apostles' Creed, a New Testament canon, and church organisation.
Irenaeus of Lyons
The New Age Christ
Ancient Heresy and the Church Today
When World Denial becomes Worldliness
This article on Gnosticism is about a wrong dualism of body and spirit, and creation and spirituality. The author also looks at the Christian and culture.