Church Controversies and the Culture Gap
The shift from modernism to postmodernism has created a culture gap. This article shows how this culture gap is affecting the life of the church and how it can be addressed.
The shift from modernism to postmodernism has created a culture gap. This article shows how this culture gap is affecting the life of the church and how it can be addressed.
Relativism is not just an idea. It manifests itself in a lifestyle. This article shows how relativism leads to the god of choice.
Sermon making is a process that includes at least four phases: analysis, synthesis, administration (homiletical reflection), and evaluation. This article explains these four phases of sermon making.
If Christ received the punishment for the believer's sin, can God still punish the Christian for his sins? This article looks at the evidence of how God dealt with His people in the Bible. Then it shows that God does punish sins of Christians, hence Christians are called to live a life of repentance and fighting against sin.
Office-bearers are given by Christ to his church to equip the saints. This article looks at the biblical foundation for the role of elders and deacons, their qualifications and duties, with texts such as 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1.
This article discusses the historical development of different types of church government and their characteristics. It looks at the papal church government, Lutheran church government, Reformed church government, congregationalism, and collegialism.
Tithing or giving is rooted in a conviction that God owns everything. From 1 Corinthians 16 this article shares the pattern of Christian giving.
Should Christians expect to hear a direct voice from God? This article looks at how God spoke with people in the Bible. It shows that today Christians cannot expect to hear the direct audible voice of God, but that God speaks through his special revelation.
Depression and thoughts of suicide are realities in which Christians can find themselves. Looking at Psalm 88, this article shows how Christ understands the reality of depression and how his grace can reach those battling with it.
One of the objections given by unbelievers for joining the church is that Christians are hypocrites. Do you agree? Read how this article answers this question.
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article shows that the fact that the church is one, holy, apostolic, and catholic has a beaning on the churches working together. These characteristics of the church call for a bond of churches. This article explains.
The truth that faith is a gift of God is a clear biblical teaching. How does God give this faith? This article answers this question.
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article discusses the independence of each church and the cooperation and interaction with other churches, showing that churches in the New Testament recognized each other as sister churches.
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? This article shows that Jesus Christ rules his church through the office of elders. It discusses the shift of authority from the apostles to office-bearers.
Older women have a role to play in the church. This article defines this role by looking at Titus 2:3-4
Church polity seeks to answer the question: how does Christ want things done in his church? To answer, this article looks at the biblical ground for church government, the office of all believers, and Christ's rule of his church.
This article introduces the Heidelberg Catechism. It looks at the structure of the Catechism, its relation to Scripture, and the reasons it was written.
The Heidelberg Catechism can be used for teaching, preaching, devotions, and Bible study. This article explains how.
How should Christians relate to homosexuals? This article considers two fundamental things that must structure the way Christians relate to them: the reality of sin, and the victory in Christ.
This article explains the order of worship as outlined in the liturgy of many Reformed churches.
Revival is not something we do, but what God does in and through us. This article looks at some historical revivals to affirm this truth.
This article explains that homosexuality is wrong because the Lord condemns and hates homosexual activity.
Why is it that so many Christian women cannot find a partner? This article gives two reasons that perpetuate singleness and four things that can be done to promote marriage.
You want to have dating that is meaningful and truthful? Here are eight principles for you.
Are you single looking for a compatible partner? Are you married desiring to be compatible with each other? Based on the truth that Christians are to marry in the Lord, this article gives five questions to ask when thinking about marital compatibility.
This article argues that fundamental to the question of infant baptism is the issue of hermeneutics. Is there continuity between the Old and New Testaments? This article addresses this question.
Understanding the place of children in the Old Testament covenant as well as the continuity of the covenant is essential to embracing the biblical teaching on infant baptism. This article highlights this truth.
This article gives nine thoughts for calling Christians to observe the second service on the Lord's Day.
Are you Reformed? To answer this question you must know what it means to be Reformed. This article discusses some of the distinctives of Reformed doctrine, particularly its view of God, man, covenant, God's mercy, and human responsibility.