Homosexuality, Leviticus, and Orlando
This article discusses how the biblical teaching on homosexuality, from Leviticus 20:13, needs to be read in its historical and covenantal context in order to see that it does not permit violence against homosexuals. The article shows how this intersects with what the Quran teaches on the subject.
Secularization and the Sexual Revolution: Evangelical Theology and the Cultural Crisis (Part 1)
How did we come to embrace secularism and sexual revolution in our culture? This article looks at the activism of the homosexuals and how this has had an impact on the church.
A Christian Response to Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage
Relating to Your Homosexual Neighbour
How should Christians relate to homosexuals? This article considers two fundamental things that must structure the way Christians relate to them: the reality of sin, and the victory in Christ.
Same Sex Marriage
Homosexuality: A Right? ... A Wrong?
This article about homosexuality first looks at the question: what does the Bible say about homosexuality? It then discusses how the church should deal with the place of homosexuals within its fellowship. Lastly it looks at homosexuality in society.