Why Hermeneutics Matters
Do Your Hermeneutics Hold to Sola Scriptura?
This article makes a case for sola scriptura by showing how Scripture is the beginning, middle, and end of ministry. This doctrine determines whether one's ministry is effective or not, since it determines our hermeneutics—how we study the Bible.
Salvation-History as Hermeneutic
This article focuses on the hermeneutical function of salvation-history. It first explains its own understanding of what hermeneutics is and then surveys different views of salvation-history.
Hermeneutics, the Analogy of Faith and New Testament Sacramental Realism
This article considers the legitimate use of the analogy of faith in the interpretation of Scripture. The role of hermeneutics is further reflected upon in the contexts where language is found that is often interpreted as realistic references to sacramental language.
Theory and Practice in Bible Translation
This article is a discussion of general theory and practice of Bible translation and related subjects like hermeneutics or theory of interpretation, linguistics, and transculturation.
Abusing Wittgenstein: The Misuse of the Concept of Language Games in Contemporary Theology
Linguistic philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein developed the concept of language games. Nicholson wants to give a careful examination and interpretation of Wittgenstein’s concept, and give an assessment of the value of Wittgenstein’s philosophy for evangelical theology and hermeneutics.
Variation on a Theme: History's nth Great Hermeneutical Crisis
The theory and practice of interpretation is called hermeneutics. Yarbrough describes the crisis in which hermeneutics finds itself, and considers the drawing of the battle lines that characterizes this crisis, in order to support a proper critical engagement. Finally, he wants to give a practical rationale for such critical engagement.
Current Hermeneutical Trends: Toward Explanation or Obfuscation?
Thomas writes in the context of what he perceived to be a new movement toward change in understanding the exegetical and hermeneutical task. He notes a confusion and proposes to indicate a number of reasons for this confusion. He indicates new and conflicting definitions of what hermeneutics is and point out the roots of the new subjectivism and relativism.
The Globalization of Hermeneutics
What is the globalization of hermeneutics? According to Blomberg there are five topics that consistently recur with greater frequency than any others in biblical studies: liberation theology, feminism, economics, religious pluralism, and the contextualization of the gospel.
A Critical Analysis of Some Hermeneutical Principles Found in Latin American Theologies of Liberation
The main purpose of this essay is to identify and indicate a number of negative elements in the hermeneutics of Latin American theologies of liberation. Latin American liberation theologies are not unified in approach; however, they share some general hermeneutical principles.
Leland Ryken's Literary Approach to Biblical Interpretation: An Evangelical Model
This essay wants to examine Leland Ryken's work in the context of recent literary approaches to hermeneutics. The author surveys Ryken's methodology together with two other literary critics, Amos Wilder and Northrop Frye. They approach the biblical text with similar assumptions about its literary nature.
Women in Church Office: Hermeneutics or Exegesis? A Survey of Approaches to 1 Timothy 2:8-15
In this essay, the author wants to demonstrate that the crucial role of hermeneutics is not to be denied when passages are considered in reflecting on women in office. However, the author argues that the current discussion appears to be vexed frequently by an assumed but perhaps faulty exegesis of the relevant biblical texts. He uses as an illustration of this point 1 Timothy 2:8-15.
Wittgenstein's Classes of Utterances and Pauline Ethical Texts
How does the Bible function in Christian ethics? The essay surveys a number of different theories and approaches and tries to indicate what it means to take seriously the whole testimony of the Bible and matters of hermeneutics. Porter explores the possible use of Wittgenstein's "classes of utterances" for a better understanding of the use of Scripture in ethics.
Let the Reader Understand – Truth, Language, and Sin
The volume is a study of hermeneutics. In Chapter 1 the foundation is laid for a proper understanding of the task of interpretation of Scripture by spelling out the presuppositions of responsible interpretation.
The Development of Third-Century Hermeneutical Views in relation to Eschatological Systems
This paper wants to consider possible relations between eschatology and hermeneutics. Cornman focuses on third-century developments through the contributions of theologians like Origen and Hippolitus. The paper demonstrates how cultural, geographical, and philosophical developments influenced and led these theologians to their specific views. The differences between these two are examined.
tag: Eschatology - hermeneutics
The Bible and the Interpreter
Hermeneutics is the science and art of understanding and explaining the meaning of the biblical text. This article gives seven principles to consider for Bible interpretation.
Some Problems in Hermeneutics for Contemporary Evangelicals
The work of Friedrich Schleiermacher, Wilhelm Dilthey, and Hans-Georg Gadamer introduced elements of subjectivity and relativism into the discussion of the theory of interpretation (hermeneutics). This essay wants to describe and comment on some of these issues of hermeneutics that need some honest confrontation.
Hermeneutics and Women in the Church
This paper contends that the determining factor in approaching and resolving questions pertaining to the role of women in the church is hermeneutics. Passages that deal with this topic are identified: 1 Timothy 2:8-15, 1 Corinthians 11:2-16, 1 Corinthians 14:34-36, Ephesians 5:22-33, Colossians 3:18-19, and 1 Peter 3:1-7.
Some Reflections on Galatians 3:28, Sexual Roles and Biblical Hermeneutics
Galatians 3:28 plays an important role in the discussions about gender roles. Some matters of interpretation and hermeneutics are considered.
Collected Writings on Scripture – Approaching the Bible
Chapter 1 articulates a short doctrine of Scripture. The author believes that it is doubtful whether a coherent understanding of the nature of Scripture can be sustained where there is not at the same time a grasp of the message of the Bible. It is important to know the God who stands behind the Bible. In the second part of the essay Carson explores the changing face of hermeneutics, and how to interpret the Bible.
Figures of Speech in Human Language
Hermeneutics should not be divorced from the study of language in general. The Bible is written in human language by men who used the language conventions of the day. This essay focuses on the way in which figures of speech and figurative language function in texts.
Infant Baptism and the Unity of Scripture
This article argues that fundamental to the question of infant baptism is the issue of hermeneutics. Is there continuity between the Old and New Testaments? This article addresses this question.
The Nature and Criteria of Theological Scholarship: An Evangelical Critique and Plan
What constitutes good theological scholarship and research in the context of theological training? Kaiser discusses the central role of hermeneutics as a criterion for evaluating theological training.
Evangelical Hermeneutics: Restatement, Advance or Retreat from the Reformation?
Kaiser explores the crisis of hermeneutics in evangelicalism. He explains who he sees as the evangelicals. He reflects on significant Reformation principles affecting biblical interpretation—sola scriptura, single meaning of a text, and the analogy of faith.
Psalm 72: An Historical and Messianic Current Example of Antiochene Hermeneutical Theoria
This article reflects on the New Testament's use of the Old. Kaiser argues that the Antiochene school can help in giving answers to current pressing problems in hermeneutics. He wants to demonstrate how the Antiocheme School would interpret Psalm 72.
Abraham, Faith, and Works: Paul's Use of Scripture in Galatians 3:6-14
Silva's primary purpose in this essay is to focus on the question of how and why the apostle Paul brings these specific Old Testament quotations together as he does in Galatians 3:6-14. In the process he presents an exegesis of the passage and reflects upon the hermeneutics involved in the New Testament's use of the Old.
Myth, History, and Inspiration: A Review Article of Inspiration and Incarnation by Peter Enns
This article reviews Peter Enns's book, which articulates a view of biblical inspiration and hermeneutics that has not traditionally been held by evangelical scholarship. The article reflects on the writing of history by Old Testament authors, in the light of Enns's positive approach to myth.
Hermeneutics and Biblical Authority
Here the relationship between the nature of scripture and hermeneutics is explained. The article shows the impact that biblical authority and inerrancy have on hermeneutics, and how these should guard the church against over-simplification.
Survey Studies in Reformed Theology (7): The Interpretation of Scripture
This article looks at three basic biblical principles of hermeneutics, and discusses how we can safely interpret Scripture.
Serial Choice? Hermeneutics and a High View of the Bible
Showing the close link between hermeneutics and the doctrine of scripture, this article shows that the new hermeneutic has not upheld the authority and sufficiency of scripture, but it has undermined the doctrine of scripture.
Westminster and Contemporary Reformed Hermeneutics
This article looks at the Westminster Confession on the topics of the divine originality of scripture, the historical reliability of scripture and the harmony of scripture. The author contrasts this with the claim of modern scholarship of the human origin of scripture, and the denial of the historical reliability and harmony of scripture. The author applies this to doing hermeneutics, and calls for use of the Westminster Confession as a guide in dealing with these issues.
Words and the World: Reflections on the Possibility of Hermeneutical Realism
This article looks at the theory of deconstructionism and its emphasis on subjectivism (the meaning rests with the reader) and the theory of authorial intention and its emphasis on objectivism (the meaning rests with the intentions of the author). The author disusses the impact these two theories have on hermeneutics, and proposes an alternative.
The Problem Is the Bible
March of Folly at the Universities
Erasmus and the Authority of Scripture
Acts 15:16-18 - The Use of Amos 9:11-12 in Acts 15:16-18
One aspect of hermeneutics which has provided no lack of scholarly discussion is the question of the interpretation and use of the Old Testament scriptures with regard to New Testament doctrine and practice. Discussion of this topic must consider the way in which the New Testament authors understood and applied the Old Testament.