The Lord, Lord: Part 2
Judgment and Mercy in a World of Hunger
Mercy on the Road to Jericho Read Luke 10:25-37
Severity and Mercy Both Come from the Hand of the God of Judgment and Love
Belgic Confession Article 20: Justice and Mercy
Galatians 1:3 – Paul's Defence of His Apostolic Credentials
Mercy, grace, and peace are words used often by Paul in the opening of his letters. In this article the meaning of these words is studied as they are announced in Galatians 1:3.
James, Soteriology, and Synergism
This article wants to investigate several ways in which the letter of James describes the necessary human response to the saving initiative of God. It starts with a study of James 2:14-26 and continues by looking at the soteriological language throughout the book: repentance and humility, love and mercy, and perseverance and patience.
The Patient Mercy of a Holy God
God’s Mercy and God’s Wrath Meet at the Cross
The Grace, Mercy, and Patience of God
What does it mean to say that God is gracious, merciful, and patient? God’s mercy means God’s goodness towards those in misery and distress. God’s grace means God’s goodness towards those who deserve only punishment. God’s patience means God’s goodness in withholding punishment toward those who sin over a period of time. This article explains these attributes of God and their implications for the Christian.
Embracing Economic Liberty: A Commitment to Justice and Mercy
Embracing free enterprise and economic liberty promotes human dignity and provides the institutional structure in which economic justice and mercy will most likely flourish. However, entrusting the good of society to government coercion leads to despotism and tyranny, which destroy society’s original object. This article explains.
The Need Outside
God's Method of Mercy
Sevenfold Mercy (8): Conclusion
Sevenfold Mercy (7): Prisoners are My Concern
Sevenfold Mercy (6): Visiting the Sick
Sevenfold Mercy (5): The Clothes in My Life
Sevenfold Mercy (4): Hospitality Towards Strangers
Sevenfold Mercy (1): Basic Mercy
Biblical Foundations for the Ministry of Mercy
Romans 11:36 - Predestination and the Glory of God
This article looks at Romans 11:36, discussing how the doctrine of predestination should lead us to glorify God since it reveals His perfect mercy.
The Incarnate Hope for a World in Turmoil
Isaiah 61:1-2 - This God is Our God
Looking at Isaiah 61:1-2, this article shows how Jesus displays the compassion and mercy of God, at the same time revealing the relationship between love and judgement. The author encourages the reader to realize the character of God and trust in Him.
Diaconal Visits
Means of the Redemption through Declaration of Justice and Mercy of God in Christ Article 20: Belgic Confession
The Forgotten Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Romans 1:17 – By Faith Alone!
...For He Is Good
Lamentations 3:21 - Hope in the Midst of Lamentations
The Bible on the Problem of Evil
The Transforming Power of Feeling Mercy
This is a meditation on God's incredible mercy in contrast to what we deserve.