Glory Veiled and Unveiled – The King of Glory: The Mystery of the Parables
Chapter 2 introduces the function and purpose of Jesus’ parables. The author makes use of Matthew 13:10–17 to focus on the mystery aspect of the parables.
Biblical Paradox: Does Revelation Challenge Logic?
Are there true paradoxes in Scripture? Basinger chooses to work with the idea of mystery to refer to what is not immediately open to human explanation, and paradoxes to refer to what appears self-contradictory.
Paul's Mystery in Ephesians 3
Does Paul's teaching in Ephesians 3 concerning "mystery" conflict with the Reformed confessions' view of the unity of the covenant of grace? The purpose of the author is to survey the meaning of the word "musterion" in secular and Jewish literature, including the Dead Sea Scrolls, and the writings of the Apostle Paul.
The Mystery of the Church
God refers to the church as a mystery. What is this mystery? The mystery is that from the beginning God intended to gather His church from all nations and tribes. He wanted His church to be international (a universal church), and not limited to the tribe of Israel. This mystery was made clear in Christ and forms the heart of mission work.