Whatever Happened to God?
The article deals with the deficiency that the author sees as appearing in most church worship and in the lives of believers today. These deficiencies include lack of proper doctrinal teaching such as on the doctrine of God, and substitution of useful teaching with increased attention to information that comes through television.
God's Providence
How can evil be compatible with the concept of a good God who is actively involved in and ruling this world? How does one find a place for a good God in a world where there are natural disasters? These are the questions that this article attempts to settle by analyzing the teaching on the providence of God.
The True God
Who is God? This article attempts to answer this question by dwelling on the subject of the doctrine of God.
Why Were Gold, Incense, and Myrrh Appropriate Gifts for Jesus?
When the Lord Jesus was born, the wise men brought him gifts. What was the significance of these gifts? This article weighs in, and discusses how by faith we may present the same kinds of gifts.
The Sacraments
What constitutes a sacrament? There are four elements, and the article explains them
The Lord's Supper
The Lord’s Supper is a sacrament meant to be observed again and again. This article explains that this is so because it is a reminder of the Lord's death but also an occasion for self-examination.
A New Family
Adoption places the believer in a new status in terms of his relationship with God and God's people. His inheritance status changes also and he is given a new confidence in approaching God. This article explains these three changes.
The True God
Who is God? This is a question which can only be answered by God himself, since knowing him depends on his revealing himself to us. This article shows that God revealed himself as Yahweh. This descriptive name tells us that God is self-existent, self-sufficient, and eternal.
How to Become a Christian
This article advises on how one becomes a Christian.
Repenting Always
The only way to avoid the trap of self-righteousness is to always remember that the entirety of the Christian life is that of repentance. This article will explain.
No matter how intense our experiences, no matter how acute our perceptions of what we think God would have us do, we cannot be certain God has spoken unless our revelation is based on Scripture.
The Best News Ever
What is the best news you have ever heard in your life? This article says the resurrection of Christ is the best news we have ever heard, since through it justification is secured, and victory over sin and eternal life are certain.
If God were obliged to be gracious, grace would no longer be grace and salvation would be based on human merit rather than being sola gratia.
"For Still Our Ancient Foe Doth Seek to Work Us Woe"
The Authority of Scripture
God's providence
There is probably no point at which the Christian doctrine of God comes more into conflict with contemporary worldviews than in the matter of the providence of God. Providence means that God has not abandoned the world that he created, but rather works within that creation to manage all things according to the “immutable counsel of His own will”.