Global Reformed Evangelicalism: Today and Over the Past 50 Years
First, the Law With No Sense of Sin, the Gospel is much Diminished
The Rejection of the Classical Doctrine of God and What It Says about the State of the Evangelical Movement
This article finds fault with the popular evangelicalism of the past few decades and sees it as a crumbling edifice. The source of this demise is evangelicalism's understanding of the doctrine of God, the doctrine of Christ and redemption, and the doctrine of the Holy Spirit, especially his work in regeneration and sanctification.
Needed: An Evangelical Social Ethic
A disturbing thing about Evangelicalism is its failure to show an adequate social ethic. This article argues that too many evangelicals lack a genuine concern for political, social, and economic aspects of the Christian life.
What It Means to Be an Evangelical Today – An Antipodean Perspective (Part 2)
This article is the second part of a longer article. It summarizes the core beliefs of evangelicalism and their significance for the movement. These core beliefs include the authority of God exercised through Scriptures, the majesty of Jesus Christ in and through the cross, the lordship of the Holy Spirit, etc.
Incorporated Righteousness: A Response to Recent Evangelical Discussion Concerning the Imputation of Christ's Righteousness in Justification
According to Bird, the central issue in current discussions with regard to the doctrine of justification is the topic of the imputation of the righteousness of Christ. Bird wants to, in dialogue with the main protagonists, seek a solution that corresponds with the biblical evidence. He first offers a short history of the doctrine of imputed righteousness since the Reformation.
Medieval Mistakes
This article assesses evangelicalism and finds much practices in common with the medieval church. The author pleads for a reprioritization of Martin Luther's first of his Ninety-Five Theses, that the entire life of believers should be one of repentance.
Toward an Evangelical Theology of Religions
One of the features of modern society is pluralism, and in particular religious pluralism. Should Christianity have a more inclusive approach towards other religions? The Lausanne II Conference placed the matter clearly on the table and agenda of evangelicalism.
Quo Vadis, Evangelicalism?
In the Introduction Köstenberger wants to challenge Evangelicalism on the direction it needs to take on the doctrine of Scripture. He reviews some of the presidential speeches of the Evangelical Theological Society to give an overview of the views held in the past by the movement and theological society.
A Bibliography for Evangelical Reform
What is the character of evangelicalism and where is it heading? This article wants to show a direction through the recommendation of relevant literature.
Evangelical Hermeneutics: Restatement, Advance or Retreat from the Reformation?
Kaiser explores the crisis of hermeneutics in evangelicalism. He explains who he sees as the evangelicals. He reflects on significant Reformation principles affecting biblical interpretation—sola scriptura, single meaning of a text, and the analogy of faith.
A Stunted Ecclesiology?
A profile of evangelicalism can be explained in six principles: their view on Holy Scripture, Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit, conversion, evangelism, and Christian fellowship. Based on this the article discusses the relationship between evangelicalism and tradition, and the hindrances to true evangelical fellowship.
An Interview on the Doctrine of Scripture with Greg Beale (3)
In this interview Beale reflects on what he sees as some of the contributing factors to what he has called the "erosion" of the belief in the inerrancy of Scripture in evangelicalism.
Evangelicalism in Ascendancy and Decline: 1715 - 2000
The Marcions Have Landed!
Is evangelicalism equal to Marcionism? This article maintains that evangelicalism's tendency to exclusively preach God's love while neglecting his wrath is parallel to Marcionism. The article begins at page 27.
Multilayered Evangelicalism
Leaving the Track
This article discusses some concerns around evangelicalism: lack of commitment to the infallibility and authority of God's Word, de-emphasizing the importance of the church, a man-centered approach of worship, a wrong focus on evangelism and the church, and lower qualification requirements for pastors. This article is about the reformation of the church.
Deconstructing Evangelicalism
The challenge of changing culture has had the impact of evangelicalism. This article looks at different forms of evangelicalism which arose as a response to this cultural challenge. Here attention is given to traditional evangelicalism, showing how its emphasis on tradition can be a hindrance for the gospel. The author also examines pragmatic evangelicalism and its short life span.
The Cambridge Declaration Of The Alliance Of Confessing Evangelicals
Calling the Evangelical church to repentance and reformation and embrace the historical evangelicalism, this article is the Cambridge Declaration which aims at using the solas of the reformation as central to the biblical teaching - Sola Scriptura, Solus Christus, Sola Gratia, Sola Fide, and