Justification by Faith
This article discusses how man can be justified before God. He surveys the concept of justification in the Old Testament, in the Gospels, and finally in the Epistles. The discussion then proceeds to the views of Martin Luther on the subject, citing some problems in Luther’s views. It also looks at Calvin’s much more polished expressions on the subject, and finally reviews the present-day state of opinion on this matter.
The Wrath of God
The author refutes the theological claims of C. H. Dodd, who sees the concept of the wrath of God as having a diminished place in the Bible. The author finds that the wrath of God is an important part of the inspired Scriptures. Further, he finds this doctrine to be an essential aspect of the doctrine of God, of sin, of atonement, the love of God, of judgment, and of hell.
The Wrath of God
The reality of the wrath of God is taught throughout the Bible. This article shows that to deny God's wrath leads to denying other doctrinal truths, which are discussed.