The Three Most Important Words for the Christian Life
What are the most important words you should know for your Christian life? The article describes the three most important words you should know: guilt, grace, and gratitude.
What are the most important words you should know for your Christian life? The article describes the three most important words you should know: guilt, grace, and gratitude.
Shame and guilt are not the same. What is the difference between the two? How can we be free from the effects of shame? This article addresses these questions, pointing you to ten things you need to know about guilt and shame.
Guilt defined as breaking God’s law and meriting the wrath of God has few spokesmen.
Guilt is something that not only believers but also unbelievers struggle with. This article explains that unbelievers also have a god, whose commands they try to obey but fail in their attempts, and continually suffer guilt and shame as a result. Only the biblical God can deal with guilt and silence the guilty conscience.
How do you deal with the guilt that leads to self-condemnation because of sexual sin or any sin? When your conscience condemns you with guilt you need to hold the right standard, and know where to turn to.
One looks almost in vain for a major discussion of sin during the twentieth century. Does guilt before God still have meaning in the context of modern developments such as Marxism and psycho-analitical approaches to who man is? This essay attempts to examine the way that theology has sought to come to terms with the idea of sin during the twentieth century.
This volume wants to help men with their daily battle against sexual sins and immorality. Chapter 1 describes the situation men are left in after sexual sin as a “wasteland.” Sexual sin results in desolation. It cannot make good on its promises of excitement and pleasure. It delivers discontent and insatiable craving.
It is through forgiveness in Christ that people can be guilt-free. Fear to talk about sin and guilt today denies the Christian message.
This article is about sin, guilt and the judgment of God. The author also discusses the righteousness and holiness of God, sin and the wrath of God, total depravity, and the ungodly and the forgiveness of God.