The Name "Christian"
Five Ways to Cultivate a Multiplying Culture
How do you cultivate a church environment where discipleship is rooted in a circle of disciples discipling others? In Acts 11 and Acts 13, the church in Antioch gives the essence of a multiplying culture. This article explains that there are five things essential to multiplying disciples.
The Christian First in Series: What Is a Christian?
Social Involvement in the Apostolic Church
This article gives an overview of the care taken by the apostolic church of the social needs of people. Relevant texts discussed include Acts 4:32-37, Acts 6:1, Acts 11, 1 Corinthians 16:1-3. 2 Corinthians 8:1-7, and 2 Corinthians 9:1·15.
The Ethnic Conflict in Early Christianity: An Appraisal of Bauckham's Proposal on the Antioch Crisis and the Jerusalem Council
What was the nature of the ethnic conflict in early Christianity? Bennema examines how the early church approached one instance of ethnic conflict, that of admitting Gentiles into the people of God—the Antioch crisis (Galatians 2) and the Jerusalem council (Acts 15).
The Cornelius Incident in the Light of Its Jewish Setting
This article addresses the nature of Jewish Christianity and the legitimacy of the Gentile mission. This essay makes use of the Cornelius narrative in Acts 10:1-Acts 11:18 and the reference to it in Acts 15:7-9 to reflect on the development of the early church's self-understanding and identity.
An Excursion with Ginomai
Acts 11 - Peter’s Defence and the Rise of the Church at Antioch
Acts 11:19-30 - Call Them 'Christians!'
This article is a Bible study on Acts 11:19-30.
Acts 11:1-18 - First Church Jerusalem
This article is a Bible study on Acts 11:1-18.