Romans 13:8-14 - The Love of God
Romans 12:3–8 - The Gifted Body
Romans 12:1–2 - Christian Renewal
Romans 11:25–32 - The Salvation of Israel
Romans 11:1-24 - A Remnant of Israel Remains
Romans 10 - The Simple Gospel
Romans 9:14–33 - I Will Show Mercy…
Romans 9:1–13 - Not All of Israel…
Romans 8:18–27 - Hope in the Spirit (1)
Romans 8:12–17 - Life in the Spirit (2)
Romans 8:1–11 - Life in the Spirit (1)
Romans 6:1–14 - Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
Romans 5:12–21 - Christ and Adam
Romans 5:2b–11 - Why Should I Become a Christian (2)
Romans 5:1–2 - Why Should I Become a Christian (1)
Romans 4:9–25 - By Faith Alone (2)
Romans 4:1–8 - By Faith Alone (1)
Romans 3:21–31 - But Now!
Romans 3:1–20 - Objections Answered
Romans 2:1–11 - God is Our Judge
Romans 2:12–29 - Guilty before God
Romans 1:18–32 - The Wrath of God
Romans 1:13–17 - Every Minister’s Decree
Romans 1:8–13 - A Pastor’s Desire
Romans 1:1–7 - Introduction
Genesis 24 - A Bride for Isaac
Genesis 23 - The Death of Sarah
Genesis 22 - The Ultimate Test or the End of Laughter
Genesis 21:8–34 - Abraham, Sarah, and Hagar
Genesis 20 – A Lesson Not Learned
Genesis 21:1–7 - Laughter Comes to Abraham and Sarah
Genesis 18:16–33 - Speaking Face to Face
Genesis 14:17–24 - An Encounter with Two Kings
Genesis 13:5–18 - The Second Test
Genesis 12:10–13:4 - The First Test
Genesis 11:26–12:9 - Hearing God’s Call
Genesis 11:27–32 - Life of Abraham
The Marks of the Master
Christ and Adam
The Wrath of God, Romans 1:18-32
Guilty before God, Romans 2:12-29
God is Our judge, Romans 2:1-11
Every Minister's Decree
Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ
Refusing the Cup
Rahab and the Spies
An Old Testament Romance
Success is being content in the Lord.
The Bronze Altar
Exodus 25:8, 22 - The Curtains of the Tabernacle
Isaiah 7:13-14 - Why a King Failed
Joshua 1:10 - The Command to Cross
Habakkuk 2:4 - Habakkuk's Challenge
Luke 3:3 - Prepare the Way
Jeremiah Could Not Keep Still
The Importance of the Ascension of Jesus
Church Protection
The Ark of the Covenant
The Mercy Seat of God
The Veil of the Tabernacle
The Courage to Pray
Romans 16 - Paul's Pictorial Directory
Romans 15:1-13 - Accept One Another in Christ
Romans 15:14-33 - Paul Reflects on His Work
Romans 14 - Passing Judgment
Genesis 17:1-14 - The Covenant (Part 3)
Genesis 16 - Abram, Sara and Hagar
Genesis 15:7-21 - The Covenant (Part 2)
Genesis 15:1-6 - The Covenant (Part 1)
Genesis 14:1-16 - War of the Kings
Romans 12:9-21 - Christian Love
Genesis 17:15-18:15 - As for You...
The Trouble with Ministers: Adultery and Alcoholism
John 3:3 - Blessed Assurance
Romans 13:11 - A Few Days to Get Ready
Acts 1:8 - You Shall be My Witnesses
Revelation 6:16-17 - The Wrath of the Lamb
Mark 16:19 – The Grand Farewell
Luke 2:25 - Waiting for the Consolation
The Teaching Father
1 John 2:22 - The Lie of the Antichrist
Prayer Day: Priority or Pitfall
Romans 13:1-7 - Government, God's Gift
A Very Serious Subject
Revelation 5:9 - The Lamb was Slain
1834 and 2004
The Funeral Service
Constantine: Christian or Politician?
Public Schools are Cheaper
The Bronze Laver
The Table of Showbread
The Golden Altar of Incense
The Golden Candlestick
This is My Outlook: Jesus Made it Right
Jesus Christ is Life
John 1:14 – Jesus Christ is God and Man
The Christ in "Christian"
In this article on Lord's Day 12 of the Heidelberg Catechism, the author focuses on anointing or being anointed, the relation of Christ to the Christian, and the threefold office of the Christian as prophet, priest, and king.
James 1:13 - Don’t blame God
In this article on James 1:13, the author looks at the testing from God and the temptation from Satan.