The Most Shocking Thing Jesus Ever Said
Did Jesus claim to be divine? Jesus is eternal. He said this in John 8:58 when he said, "I am."
The Light of the World
Why Does Jesus Use the Phrase "I Am"?
This article considers the background of Jesus' "I am" declaration in John 8:58. The author points to a background in Isaiah 40-55.
I Am the Light of the World
John 8:36-59 – The Son of God and the Sons of the Devil
This article is an exposition of John 8:36-59.
John 8:30-36 – The Truth Shall Make You Free
This article is an exposition of John 8:30-36.
John 8:12-30 – The Light of the World
This article is an exposition of John 8:12-30.
John 8:1-11 – Jesus and the Woman Taken in Adultery
This article is an exposition of John 8:1-11.
John 8:36-59 – The Son of God and the Sons of the Devil (Part 2)
This article is part two of an exposition of John 8:36-59.
John 8:24 – The Self-Existence of Jesus Christ
By appealing to Jesus' words in John 8:24, the author argues that the self-existence of Christ is a cardinal Christian doctrine.
Judging: The Christian’s Duty; An Examination of Pertinent Scripture and Passages
Thirty-One Days of Purity: Putting Sin to Death
This article explains how John 8:36 can help in winning the battle for sexual purity. Through the Spirit, put sin to death.
Thirty-One Days of Purity: Freedom in Christ
The Adulteress and the Death Penalty
The passage on the adulteress in John 7:53-John 8:11 is often used as evidence that Jesus revoked the death penalty. The relevance of this passage for discussions on capital punishment is considered in this essay, noting the history of interpretation, hermeneutical considerations, and legal factors.
How Can We Know God?
From John 8:19-24 Jesus shows that the revelation of God is in him. This article argues this by pointing to the biblical evidence that the key to knowing God is knowing Jesus Christ.