How to Know God
How can you know God? Many people assume that they have reached the understanding of God once they come to the knowledge of him through faith in Christ. This article explains that you may not stop in the pursuit of knowing God.
How can you know God? Many people assume that they have reached the understanding of God once they come to the knowledge of him through faith in Christ. This article explains that you may not stop in the pursuit of knowing God.
One of the promises the believer is given is seeing God's face. What does it mean to see the face of God? From Revelation 22:4 this article explains that seeing God's face is more than physical sight; it refers to knowing God.
Bring me a worm that can comprehend a man, and then I will show you a man that can comprehend the triune God.
This article explains the importance of knowing God as you pursue purity. When you know God, you see his purity, his pardon for your sin, and his power to change you.
Can God be known? Knowing God is dependent on his revelation. This article discusses the relationship between God's revelation and his incomprehensibility. It concludes that knowing God is possible because God has revealed himself to us, so that we can know him—not exhaustively, but according to his perfect and wise counsel.
This chapter is an introduction to John Owen and his most important works on sanctification. Sanctification meant for Owen that Christians are called to learn the art of battle. To fight the battle of faith Owen wants his readers to understand the nature of sin, the complexity of the human heart, and the goodness and provision of God.
In Chapter 1 the author explores what it means to know God. Knowing God is portrayed as the supreme gift of God’s grace, and the Bible is the means for knowing God.
From John 8:19-24 Jesus shows that the revelation of God is in him. This article argues this by pointing to the biblical evidence that the key to knowing God is knowing Jesus Christ.
A meaningful relationship with God is dependent on knowing God. Love for and knowledge of God go hand-in-hand. The emphasis of this chapter is that loving God means loving truth. It further explains a theological method and process that have as goal to explain how the Christian faith is relevant to different aspects of the Christian life.
Christianity is knowing God, and at the heart of knowing God is the gospel. This article shows what the gospel is and what hinders people from knowing the gospel.
This is the second article in a trilogy on 1 John 2:12-14. This article shows that the church of God is characterized by possessing wisdom, which comes as a result of knowing God through the gospel.