Four Kinds of Universalism
Introduction: Contemporary Errors in Eschatology
Eschatology is the study of Scripture's teaching concerning the last days. This article examines erroneous teachings about the last days: universalism, the denial of hell, and certain millennial views.
Is the Church Still Serious about It?
This article discusses three main alternative positions to the historic orthodox position on hell: universalism, annihilationism, and a definitive self-exclusion from God's presence. From there it explores the biblical teaching on hell, making use of Christ's teaching in Mark 9:42-48.
Scriptural Particularism
The author dwells on the particularist view of the divine design of the atonement, that by the atonement God purposed to save only those who are elected. The author supports this view from Scripture. The discussion also involves the opposing views of unrestricted and inconsistent universalism.
Four Kinds of Universalism
This article discusses the matter of universalism, and shows how there is only one kind that is biblical.
A Critical Analysis of Some Hermeneutical Principles Found in Latin American Theologies of Liberation
The main purpose of this essay is to identify and indicate a number of negative elements in the hermeneutics of Latin American theologies of liberation. Latin American liberation theologies are not unified in approach; however, they share some general hermeneutical principles.
The Final State of the Wicked
What is the final state of the wicked? The paper explores five different conclusions that have been drawn from the biblical evidence: agnosticism, annihilationism, universalism, conditionalism, and eternal punishment. This paper treats all the positions and elaborates on the last one.
Amazing Grace
This author warns believers to be careful of some theologies of universalism or liberalism that, for example, teach us that God loves everyone the same. Instead, the Bible teaches a love for the redeemed, as well as another love for the unsaved.
The Four-Door Labyrinth - Free will
Many divisions between church denominations can be traced back to differences in four doctrines: sola scriptura, freewill, the relationship between the Old and New covenant, and the sacraments. In this article, focus is given to the doctrine of freewill. This article evaluates the positions of Libertarianism and Universalism through the perspective of Calvinism.
The Doctrine of Eternal Punishment
Global Society: Challenges for Christian Mission
Ramachandra sets the challenge of contemporary Christian discipleship and mission in the context of our changing political, economic and cultural context. He presents a vision of the gospel and the Church of Christ as the true universalism in the context of globalization.