The Intermediate State
What happens between death and the resurrection? What happens when a Christian or an unbeliever dies? This article looks at the false teachings of naturalism, modernism, and soul sleep.
Introduction: Contemporary Errors in Eschatology
Eschatology is the study of Scripture's teaching concerning the last days. This article examines erroneous teachings about the last days: universalism, the denial of hell, and certain millennial views.
Introduction to Eschatology
Eschatology is the study of the teaching of scripture concerning the last days. This article introduces this study and how it was considered in the early church, Middle Ages, and Reformation.
Revelation 13 – The Beast from the Sea
From Revelation 13, this article shows that the antichrist will be characterized by a desire for universal power and attempts for world-dominion.
A Defence of (Reformed) Amillennialism
A proper reading of Revelation 20 does not support the view of postmillennialism. This article exegetes the passage and shows how it gives grounds for amillennialism.
The Coming of the Antichrist
The coming of the antichrist is a sign of the end of the world. This article shows that in Scripture the antichrist is referred to by different names, and that his main character is that of deception. However, the believer can identify the antichrist by knowing God’s truth.
Jewish Dreams
The hope of the Christian is on the second coming of Christ. This article looks at postmillennialism and the second coming of Christ. It argues that postmillennialism has no base in the Reformed confessions and Scripture.
A Hope of the Saints
Heaven is not the final destiny of the believer. It is the intermediate state in which the soul of the believer will be with Christ in heaven before the bodily resurrection. How can the believer have this hope? This article shows how this hope is grounded in the work of Christ and the Holy Spirit.
Matthew 24:11-13 – The Great Apostasy
In Matthew 24:11-13 Christ spoke about the end of times. This article considers this passage, especially as it looks at apostasy as the sign of the end of times.
Matthew 24:6-8 – Wars: Sign of the End
From Matthew 24:6-8 this article shows that war has the following implications for a Christian: it is the sign of the end of times, it is God’s judgment, and it is a call to follow Christ.
The Headship of the Reformed Husband
This article explains that the headship of the husband is the authority given to him by which he is expected to treat his wife and children as Christ pleases. It is characterized by love and a reflection of Christ and the Father. However, this headship can also be abused, and the author explains how.