Freedom's Christian Roots
The Freedom God Is Giving You Today
What does freedom in Christ look like? This article explains that freedom is being united to others, is demonstrated in our unity by the Spirit, and is learning to carry the cross with others.
I Crave Freedom But I Pray for Providence...
God's Sovereignty and the Human Will
What is the nature of the human will in terms of its freedom or lack of freedom? How much power does it wield over the whole human being? This article attempts to answer these questions, highlighting in the process the natural inclination of the human will with regard to sin and God's righteousness. One observation made is that the sinner is free but only in the direction of sin.
The Freedom We Enjoy in Our Nation
What is freedom? True and real freedom is freedom from the power of sin. This article argues that this is what God gives us through sanctification. The struggle between the new man and old man is explained, as is the comfort the believer has in knowing that he will be totally free from the dominion of sin.
Legalism vs. Liberty
Freedom and Authority
The authority of God and submission to it is the path to true freedom. Why? This article answers this question by looking at the nature of biblical authority and how it differs from secular authority.
Give me Authority or Give Me Death
The Biblical View of Freedom
True freedom can only be experienced once we are freed from sin and made slaves to Christ. This article shows how such freedom flows to bring freedom in the community.
I'll Fly Away
The Christian’s Rule of Life
Jubilee Woman
Free to Serve
Freedom Found in the Fishbowl
Man is only free when he lives in obedience to God. Outside of this obedience is death. However, this is not what the devil wants you to believe. In this article the author shows the deception of sin, and how one becomes a slave to sin. The author encourages youth to learn the path of sin and to stay far from it, so that they can live their life in true freedom in Christ.
Christian Liberty
From Bondage of the Will to Christian Freedom
Understanding Our Educational Freedom
The Medical Model Revisited: Moral Responsibility And Physical Disability
The author of this article argues for a distinction between disease and sin, stating that disease is not always a direct result of individual sin. The author discusses moral responsibility in relation to physical disability, and examines the relationship between human responsibility and freedom. He also looks at predispositions to sin and responsibility
Through Love Be Servants
Christianity and Social Involvement
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 7:1 (Part two)
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 7:1 is about the will of God and freedom.
Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 9:2
This article on the Westminster Confession of Faith Chapter 9:2 is about Adam, free will and freedom.
Galatians 5:13 - True Freedom
"Neurotic" Christianity?
Free Will and Moral Responsibility
In this article on free will and moral responsibility, the author also discusses libertarianism, compatibilitism, and freedom and moral decisions.