Second Corinthians – Introduction

This chapter presents an introduction to 2 Corinthians. Introductory matters addressed include Paul’s missionary visit to Corinth and his correspondence with the Corinthians, the character of Paul’s letter, the course of events in Paul’s relationship with the Corinthians, critical issues including the history of the text and behind the text, the structure of the letter, and an outline of it.

First, Second, and Third John – Introduction to the Letters of John

This chapter forms an introduction to 1 John, 2 John, and 3 John. Introductory matters addressed include the relationship of the letters to the gospel, the chronology of the letters, rhetoric and the opposition, settings and purposes of 1–3 John, the letters in relationship to one another, the relationship of the letters to ancient letters, authorship, date, and place of composition.

2 Corinthians – Introduction to 2 Corinthians

This chapter forms an introduction to 2 Corinthians. Introductory matters discussed are the placing of Paul in mid-first century AD, the city of Corinth, the Corinthian context and leadership values, Paul’s relationship with the Corinthians, the form and purpose of the letter, the message and intent of 2 Corinthians, and the outline of the book.

Gospel of Glory – Individualism

According to the author, the Gospel of John lays emphasis on both the individual believer and the community of believers. We should not allow either to cancel out the other. What Bauckham indicates as individualism is nothing more than the considerable emphasis this Gospel account lays on the relationship of the individual believer to Jesus Christ. In Chapter 1 he gathers and assesses the evidence for the individual’s relationship with Jesus.

Christ-Centered Preaching – Word and Witness

This chapter explores the theological motive and purpose of preaching. The goal of preaching is not focused on a mere communication of information. Preaching is a means of transformation ordained by God that affects the relationship between God and man. Chapell notes God's power in using the Scriptures, a power mediated by Jesus Christ through his Spirit. The preaching of Christ is a means through which the Holy Spirit exercises his work and power.

The Gospel of John – Genre and Historical Considerations

The first section of the Introduction deals with the genre (literary type) of the Gospel of John and the historical value of the Gospel. It considers whether John’s Gospel is folk literature, a memoir, a novel, drama, or biography. John’s distinctive style and adaptation of the gospel form are also considered.

Living at the Crossroads – Gospel, Story, Worldview, and the Church's Mission

This volume is about worldview. This is a concept that emerged in the European philosophical tradition. As a concept it wants to enable believers to understand more faithfully the gospel and to live more fully in that story. In Chapter 1 the authors indicate how a Christian worldview starts with the gospel of the Kingdom of God. The gospel is an announcement of the story about where God is moving the history of the whole creation.