Amusing the Goats or Calling the Sheep?
This article shows from the teaching of Paul (2 Corinthians) and Christ that success in ministry is measured not by numbers but by sounding the voice of the Shepherd in the gospel message, and calling his sheep who know that voice into his fold.
Shepherds Needed
No Separation From God's Love
John 10 presents Christ as the Shepherd. This article shows that Christians are assured of their salvation because the Father has given the sheep to the Son, and the Son gave His life for the sheep. Also, the Father and Son are one, so no one can snatch you away from the Father's hand. This is our assurance.
The Good Shepherd
The Bible portrays the relationship of Christ and His church through the image of a shepherd and his sheep. The example of sheep points to the Christian's tendancy to stray, their vulnerability and their need for the flock. In contrast, the image of Shepherd points to Christ as one who protects, nurtures and gathers the sheep.
John 21:15-19 – Feed My Sheep (Part 2)
John 21:15-19 – Feed My Sheep (Part 1)
This is the first half of two articles looking at the text of John 21:15-19. This article shows that feeding the lambs, caring for the sheep and feeding the sheep requires discernment in order to give appropriate pastoral care.