This article looks at the similarities and differences in the four Gospels, and gives a way of explaining and viewing them, shedding light on what is called the synoptic problem.
This article gives the exegesis of 1 Corinthians 15:29, and reveals the meaning of baptism for the dead and how it fits into Paul's argument about the resurrection.
Arguing that Jerusalem is the mother church, this article looks at the role the Jerusalem church played in the book of Acts, the Catholic Epistles, and early church history.
Looking at the authorship, audience, and context of the letter to the Hebrews, this article seeks to come with some unifying answer to the questions relating to the origin, destiny, and recipients of the letter.
Looking at the meaning and context of Romans 11:26, this article shows that on the basis of Christ being the Messiah for both Gentiles and Jews, Paul saw a future for the Jews by claiming that all Israel will be saved. This has implications for mission work towards Jews.
Looking at the meaning and context of Romans 11:26, this article shows that on the basis of Christ being the Messiah for both Gentiles and Jews, Paul saw a future for the Jews by claiming that all Israel will be saved. This has implications for mission work towards Jews.
Looking at the relationship between the church and Israel, this article gives three models that are often used to explain this relationship: the church replacing Israel, the church incorporated into Israel, and Jesus as the Saviour of the world. This author is in favour of the third model.