Church Boundaries: Keeping Christ Whole!
Article 31 of Our Church Order
What Does it Mean to Be a Federation of Churches?
The Idea of a Federation
Seminary Applicants and the Role of the Elders
What is the process behind the decision of whether an individual will go to a theological seminary? This article maintains that not only is the individual himself behind the decision, but the church federation and the church elders. Elders have the responsibility to seek out and encourage suitable individuals to consider going into the ministry.
Federations and Synods – Pain or Gain?
Why a Federation of Churches?
Defending a Federationally-Controlled Seminary
Church Unity and the Lord’s Table
Federation of Confessionally United Churches
This article is about the necessity of church federation as the result of church unity and oneness. The relation of church federation and the local church is discussed, as well as the church order of a church federation.