What does the "style of Christ" and the "style of his kingdom" mean for the question about divorce and remarriage? Is adultery always grounds for divorce? The author also discusses 1 Corinthians 7 and divorce, and Matthew 19 and the phrase “hardness of hearts.”
Christians can learn from the Old Testament. This article talks about what Christians can learn from the following: how God organized his people, the concept of justice, the wisdom God gave, and the feasts the Israelites celebrated.
This article shows the flaws of both the absolutist and the relativist in using the Bible to seek guidance from God. The author describes a godly way of basing life decisions on God's wisdom revealed in the Bible.
Secularism and its contribution toward making religion subjective has resulted in emotionalism. This article addresses the restoration of balance between ethics, spirituality and emotion. The author looks at biblical teaching on the relationship between these three things.