A contemporary sermon
The text and the sermon
Pastor and teacher in the pulpit
The Sermon: What May we Expect?
How Ministerial Worldliness Damages the Flock of God
James 2:14-26 – Faith, Works, and the Christian Religion
This article is a detailed study of James 2:14-26. Its main argument is that the purpose of that chapter is practical and pastoral rather than polemical. The author provides a detailed exposition of the text, noting its context, shape, and genre. The examples of Abraham and Rahab form two focal points.
A God-Centered Understanding of Sin
Challenging the modern trend of divorcing morality from God, this article shows that sin is primarily an attack on God. The author discusses this using the example of adultery and envy. The fact that God is the Creator causes sin to be against Him, and sin mars the character of God. The author highlights implications of this for pastoral care.