Christ and the Scriptures The Sermon Preached at the 181st Annual General Meeting
Luke 24 – Christ in the Glory of His Messianic Ministry
Luke 24:50-53 - Christ's Last Earthly Ministry to His Church
Everything Concerning Himself (Part 1)
This article illustrates that the Old Testament is to be read from a Christological perspective, as Christ himself also taught in the New Testament (e.g., Luke 24). It shows how New Testament Christology is built on analogies between Jesus and Old Testament saints.
Seeing Christ in All the Word: A Framework for Bible Reading
This article emphasizes the importance of looking for Christ when we read the Bible. It takes its cue from Luke 24:44-45.
“And Their Eyes Were Opened, and They Knew”: An Inter-Canonical Note on Luke 24:31
This study suggests that we find an allusion to Genesis 3:7 in Luke 24:31. Both Adam and Eve's eyes and those of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus were opened when they were offered food. The study first notes the general lack of attention in the relevant literature for the possibility of this inter-canonical connection. Ortlund identifies three scholars who link Luke 24:31 to Genesis 3, and then provides four factors that suggest such a link.
Luke 24:25-35 – Emmaus
The Five Biblical Basics of Biblical Interpretation
Key to understanding the Bible is Jesus Christ. From Luke 24:27 this article argues that Christ is the master of Bible interpretation. Five basics truths are drawn from Christ's way of interpreting Scripture.
Walking with Jesus through His Word – The Walk through the Bible That Sets Hearts Afire
What is redemptive-historical hermeneutics? Johnson argues that it means simply that every part of the Bible teaches Christ. The significance of this interpretation is illustrated by the change that took place in Jesus’ disciples’ understanding of Scripture from before to after Jesus’ resurrection. He further expounds the way the risen Lord read the Scriptures (cf. Luke 24:16-26).
On the Way to Emmaus
Doctrinal Content of the Message of Evangelism
Evangelism flows from doctrine. From Luke 24:46-48 this article offers the doctrinal content that must form the message of evangelism. It is the death of Christ, his resurrection, and repentance.
What Is the Mission of the Church – What in the World Does Jesus Send Us into the World to Do?
Chapter 2 wants to answer the question, “What is the church’s mission in the world?” The authors think it best to start with the Great Commission of Matthew 28:19. First, they examine a few other passages that are sometimes understood as offering a fuller mission identity for the church: Genesis 12:1-3, Exodus 19:5–6, Luke 4:16–21.
Christ’s High Priestly Blessing
Christ in All the Scriptures
Is Christ truly present in all of Scripture? This article considers Christ's instruction in Luke 24:44-49, explaining that all Scripture needs to be interpreted in a Christ-centred fashion.