When Your Song Is a Lament, Sing It with Your Whole Heart
A Psalmic Faith
The author speaks about the legitimate role of lament in the believer’s life, using biblical references to show that it is appropriate for believers to lament significant losses.
Repentance and Lament
The Interpretation of Psalm 11
How should psalms be interpreted? This article demonstrates the significance of both the form and the original cultic context or setting for the interpretation process, making use of Psalm 11 as an example. Bellinger believes it is best to read Psalm 11 as a lament demonstrating trust and expressing thanksgiving. in the context of a crisis.
Joining the Resistance: Lament and the Kingdom
Divine Providence: Occupying the Mysterious Middle (Part 3)
This is the third article in a series about prayer and the psalms of lament. This article describes a good way to view suffering in relationship to God's providence and grace.
Avoiding the Dead Ends of Providence: Monocausal Fatalism and Open Theism
Lament: Self-Indulgent Whining, or Faithful Complaints?
Looking at the psalms of lament, this article shows how they can teach us to lament before God in prayer in a way that shows faith in the sovereignty, faithfulness and goodness of God. This is the first article in a four-part series.
Suffering As The Path To Glory: The Book of Psalms Speaks Today
How long, o Lord?
This article is about the lament and the complaint of the Christian. The author also looks at our sorrow, our faith experience, and Jesus Christ as the man of sorrow.