Suffering and a Theology of Glory
The Christian life is presented in the Bible as suffering that leads to glory. Based on this understanding this article evaluates the claims of the health and wealth gospel with a specific focus on Joel Osteen.
In the Highest God’s Glory is the Supreme Value. Understand this, and You will Understand the Bible
John 2 – The Miracle at Cana
The glory of Jesus Christ was publicly displayed in the miracle performed at Cana (John 2). The focus of this study is the fulfillment of the requirements of the Jewish law.
Here Is Our God – In the Temple: The Glorious and Forgiving God (1 Kings 8)
Chapter 2 is an exposition of 1 Kings 8. The emphasis is on God who displays himself as present in his glory and forgiveness.
Soli Deo Gloria: More Than a Phrase
What does "soli Deo gloria" mean? Key to answering this question is the definition of the word glory. After defining it, this article shows that to confess it is to recognize that God is altogether perfect, and therefore utterly worthy of our worship.
A Biblical Theology of Glory
This article looks at the glory of God as it is revealed in creation, the history of Israel, in Christ, and in the New Jerusalem. The article shows as well how in Christ God is restoring his glory.
The Plan of God
What is God really doing? This article shows that the Bible tells us what is the plan of God for this world. It shows that God works all things for his purpose, which is his glory. This understanding of God's plan is important if you are to find meaning for your life.
The Majesty of God
Participating in Suffering
How should believers view suffering, especially the kind that comes as a result of them being followers of Christ? With a focus on the relevant passages in 1 Peter 4, the author addresses this issue and points towards the glory that is to be attained at the end.
Sharing in the Coronation of Christ
Romans 8:18 - The Incomparable Glory
Present Suffering Weighed With Future Glory
The Lord of Glory
Suffering Now, Glory Later?
This article shows that prosperity gospel has twisted God's word, and is actually not gospel at all since it promises what God did not promise. Working from Romans 5:3-5, the author shows that the true gospel message is suffering now and glory later. This was the pattern of Christ's life and this is the pattern of His followers, because through suffering God's works out in us the character which He desires.
The Glory of Christ (Part 1)
The Reformation centered around the glory of Christ. This article shows that this conviction is a biblical one - everything should center around the glory of Christ. Christians find their identity in Christ. However, the danger exists that some may find their identity in other things. This article is a call to repentance and faith in Christ as all in all.
Suffering As The Path To Glory: The Book of Psalms Speaks Today
The Wait of Glory
Compassion in a Broken World: The Powerful Support of God’s Spirit in Weakness
Heaven – The Home of Saints
The Saints Reception into Glory
The Believer's Half-Life
Romans 8:18 - Immeasurable Glory
The Glory of God as the Goal of History
Scripture often speaks of doing something for the sake of the name of God, which means virtually the same as doing it for His glory. The goal of human history is the glory of God.