The Psalms in the Spiritual Life
Praise the Lord: Psalm 150
In Praise of PRAISE
Bathed in Prayer: The Only Way to Prepare and Praise
This article reflects on how public prayer and the praise of the congregation go hand in hand.
Worship Is..
This article reflects on the church's worship as an echo of the praise of the heavenly chorus and celebration of Christ's completed and continuing work for us.
Song, Glorious Song Music, the Food of Heavenly Love, is Our destiny – Now and Forever
Idle Worship
Repentance and Lament
Confessions of a Teenage Praise Junkie
What is praise exactly, and how do you do it? This article describes praise as essentially advertising. Read the article to see this intriguing viewpoint as it is fleshed out with Scripture.
Shouting in the Apocalypse: The Influence of First-Century Acclamations on the Praise Utterances in Revelation 4:8, 11
What is the possible origin of the praise sections in the book of Revelation? Seal argues that John shaped his praise utterances according to the form of acclamations shouted to dignitaries of his time. The article first defines acclamations before discussing their form and function in John's Roman world.
The Christian's Duty of Praise and Thanksgiving
The Praise of God
In Praise of Praise
Praise the Spirit?
"Three Basic Principles for Good Church Music"
Psalm 95 – Psalm Singing for All
Worship in War-time
Horse & Rider
This article is about the characteristics of our praise and about remembrance and thanksgiving in our songs.