Colossians 3:1 – A New Direction
Colossians 3:1 – A New Direction
Set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God.
Colossians 3:1b
After Paul writes that the Christians in Colossae have been raised with Christ, he commands them to “set their hearts on the things above.” Christians do not look for their life in this world, but they look for it in the heavenly realm where Jesus Christ dwells. Paul literally writes, “Seek the things above.” The tense he uses says that you must continually seek the things above. Every single moment of your life you need to be looking to heaven for everything that you need. We live on this earth, but we seek our direction from above, from Jesus Christ.
The word “seek” speaks about the orientation or direction of our will. Our will can be oriented or directed either to good or to evil. And therefore Paul commands us to seek the direction for our heart and will from Jesus Christ who is above. Our will needs to be guided by the fact that we have died to this world and we have been raised with Christ to a new life. We now take our direction from heaven; from Jesus Christ who is seated at the right hand of God. Because of this new direction in our life we can begin to put the old nature to death and put on the new that Paul will write about in the rest of this chapter. While we are still living in this world, Jesus Christ is already directing our hearts from heaven.
Paul reiterates this point in verse 2 when he writes, “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.” Paul is about to write about the Christian life in chapter 3, but before he does so, he must first address how this new Christian life is possible. He argues that you can only live as Christians when your mind is set on the things above. The way you think will very much determine the way you are going to live. Our thinking is going to determine the overall direction of our life. What lives in your mind will determine your motives and aims.
Paul reveals something about how change must come about in our lives. Too often we are more concerned about behaviour modification than with seeking a change of heart and will. Behaviour modification is done through the use of rules and regulations. When someone does something that is unethical they are reminded about the right rule and often as much force or pressure as possible is brought to bear on that person to bring about a change of behaviour.
Ultimately, that kind of change is not true or real change. Change for the sake of fitting into a family or fitting into the church is not the kind of change that Christ desires. The gospel is not about behaviour modification, but the gospel is the power by which the Lord God changes your heart and mind. And therefore Paul is really laying the foundation in our text for the Christian life. He says, “Set your mind on the things above.” That means that your mind needs to be continually directed to Jesus Christ in heaven.
Paul warns us, “Do not set your mind on earthly things.” If you still set your mind on earthly things that indicates that you have not died with Christ. It means that you are still looking to the things of this life for everything. The false teachers in Colossae, by their emphasis on keeping earthly rules and regulations really set their minds on those “earthly” things to save them. While Paul is fighting specific false teachings in this letter, no doubt there is also the wider concern that today we still have our minds set on earthly things. When we set our mind on what our flesh desires, it leads us away from Jesus Christ. When the material things of this earth and the pleasures of this world are the things on which your mind is focused, that will destroy your spiritual life.
If your mind is preoccupied with how you are going to make a living, if you are preoccupied with enjoying the material things of this life, then you can be sure that where your mind is, there you will be also. If your mind is directed to the things of the world, then you still belong to this world. But if your mind is directed to Christ Jesus above, then the focus of your mind will be with Christ Jesus.
Paul is not saying that we must forget about this world, or that this world is not important. We need to be careful that we do not make a separation between heaven and earth. Paul teaches us that life on this earth is only possible when your heart and mind is focused on the heavenly realm above, because that is where your life on this earth must come from. You will not find life or joy here on earth, but your life and joy can only be found with Christ Jesus who is seated at the right hand of God in heaven. He alone is able provide both for your physical and spiritual life. Therefore set your heart and mind on the things above.
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