John 4:1-42 - A Personal Encounter with Christ
John 4:27-42 – The Harvest in Samaria
This article is an exposition of John 4:27-42.
John 4:1-26 – Jesus and the Samaritan Woman
This article is an exposition of John 4:1-26.
Salvation Is of the Jews
In what way does the Lord still today use the Jews to witness to the gospel? This article reflects upon the significance of the words of John 4:22 that "salvation is of the Jews." The author argues that even if it is through God's present judgement over the Jews, they still witness to the reality of the truth of the gospel.
John 4 – Jesus and the Empty Waterpot
John 4, the episode of the Lord Jesus with the woman at the well, is full of instruction for the church. It provides us with an understanding of the nature of sin and salvation, and a picture of a theology of desire and satisfaction.
John 4:4-52 – The Samaritan Woman's Purity
This article makes a link between the thirsting for water and baptism in the case of the Samaritan woman in John 4.
A New Testament Perspective on Worship
Most often in contemporary Christian understanding, worship is considered to be the acts of a local gathering of believers. This article suggests that this is misleading and argues that the Greek word "proskuneo" is never used in the New Testament in the sense of "worship." It is rather an expression of a relationship to the Spirit and truth of Christ, as demonstrated in John 4.
The Globalization of Hermeneutics
What is the globalization of hermeneutics? According to Blomberg there are five topics that consistently recur with greater frequency than any others in biblical studies: liberation theology, feminism, economics, religious pluralism, and the contextualization of the gospel.