The Globalization of Hermeneutics
What is the globalization of hermeneutics? According to Blomberg there are five topics that consistently recur with greater frequency than any others in biblical studies: liberation theology, feminism, economics, religious pluralism, and the contextualization of the gospel.
Patriarchy as an Evil That God Tolerated: Analysis and Implications for the Authority of Scripture
This article analyzes the assumption that the patriarchal culture instituted in the Old Testament is a moral evil that was abolished through the coming of the fullness of redemption in Christ. This paper focuses on evangelical feminism. The author wants to understand the implications of embracing this assumption for the authority of the Bible as the infallible Word of God. His central question is whether adopting this assumption undermines scriptural authority.
Sexual Devolution: What Has Gone Happened, and How We Might Respond
Feminist Theology (Part 2)
This is the second article in a trilogy on the topic of feminism. This article shows that feminism is just another liberation movement. Feminism has redefined the concept of sin and salvation from scripture's definition, so that sin is equated with sexism and salvation with freedom from the oppression of men. This is a false gospel.
Feminist Theology (Part 1)
Feminist Theology (Part 3)
This is the third article in a trilogy on the topic of feminism. The feminist hermeneutic often judges the Bible to be patriarchal. However, in trying to redefine God, supporters of this movement have only produced an idol and reject the authority of scripture.
Redemptive-Historical Preaching Over Against Various Forms of Modern Exemplarism
Our Culture of Choice
This article looks at the impact of freedom of choice on the promotion of abortion, as well as the role feminism plays in promoting abortion. A call is made to the church and Christians in how they should react when facing such hostility. How must we evaluate this huge focus on choice in our society today?
Dressed Like Women
The roots of modern feminism
Original Sin and Feminism
God's Design for Wives
Gender Passages in the New Testament: Hermeneutical Fallacies Critiqued
The bliss man and woman enjoyed in the Garden before the fall, has given way to much confusion regarding the role of man and woman in God’s world, in Christ’s church, and in relation to one another.