Looking at Mathew 22:37-39, this article shows that the teaching of self-esteem and self-love does not find its basis in the great commandment, but rather in worldly teachings.
Is sound doctrine important for the church? Christians have the obligation to discern and identify false teachers. This article shows that false teachers can be identified by their practice, doctrine and character.
True forgiveness can only be realized through imitating God’s forgiveness. This article explains how God forgives, and how such forgiveness must be imitated. Topics like conflict and reconciliation, sin and and confession of sin are also discussed.
How can we find God's will? Both the pragmatic method and the mystical method are wrong ways of seeking God’s will. This article discusses God's revealed will, and the principles for decision-making found in Proverbs.
Those who will go to heaven are those who believe in Christ and expect His coming. This article shows that heaven will be characterized by newness, fullness, eternity, rest, love and seeing Jesus.
This booklet shows that dating that is modelled by scripture works with the principle of companionship. Dating with the purpose of finding a companion for marriage puts God’s first, and considers the other more than the self. It functions within God’s structures of authority and seeks purity in accordance with God’s word.
The biblical prophet was understood to be the mouthpiece of God, and therefore prophecy was 100% accurate in doctrine and prediction. There is no "sub-standard" prophecy in scripture. Therefore, modern day claims to prophecy are not true - they do not measure up to the biblical standard.
This article shows that healing, speaking in tongues, and prophecy were gifts limited to the apostles’ time. The charismatic claim that these are sign gifts for God's church today is not biblical.
It is through walking in the Spirit that anger and impatience can be conquered. The Spirit produces the fruit of patience and tolerance. This article shows practical ways of dealing with anger.