Genesis 5:28–6:22 - Saved Through the Water (Part One)
Genesis 5:1–6:8 - Death’s Reign from Adam to Noah
So Long Could People Really have Lived to be that Old?
The Image of God in Man
There are only three explicit Old Testament references to the doctrine of the image of God in man: Genesis 1:26, Genesis 5:2, and Genesis 9:6. However, the importance of the doctrine is out of all proportion to the limited treatment it receives in the Old Testament. That man is a [creature]] implies limitations upon the range and degree of his similarities to God.
From Adam to Noah: A Reconsideration of the Antediluvian Patriarchs' Ages
How should we understand the high ages of the principal descendants of Adam through the line of Seth in the narrative of Genesis 5:3-32. Harrison reconsiders these ages in the light of the ancient Sumerian King List recovered from Kish.
Genesis 5:24 - What Was So Special about the Relationship Between Enoch and God?
Genesis 5:22 - Walking With God
Working from Genesis 5:22, this article draws lessons from Enoch's walk with God. Walking with God means pleasing God, having fellowship with God, walking in faith, believing in Christ, and testifying about God.