A Study Commentary on Ecclesiastes - An Exploration of the Nature of the World (1:1-11)
This book is a commentary on Ecclesiastes. Here the author introduces the book of Ecclesiastes and provides an exegesis of Ecclesiastes 1:1-11. The author discusses all the introductory questions to the book Ecclesiastes as well: the authorship and genre of the book, how to understand and read Ecclesiastes, and preaching from the book of Ecclesiastes.
A Well-Ordered Church - The Church's Relation to Christ
This book discusses the identity, authority, mission and ecumenicity of the church. This chapter focuses on the identity of the church. The author maintains that one cannot think about the church without thinking about Christ, and one cannot confess faith in Christ without being a member of the church.
Zachary Macaulay - Crumbling Foundations
This book is a biography of Zachary Macaulay, with a focus toward Macaulay's contribution to the abolition of slavery and the slave trade. This chapter gives a description of Macaulay's early life.
Worshipping With Calvin - Setting the Ecclesiastical Scene
This book argues for the historic Reformed Protestant approach to worship and ministry over against contemporary styles of worship. This chapter paints a picture of the challenges regarding worship which face evangelical and reformed churches today. The author maintains that the heritage of Reformed worship, which weaves theology, piety and worship together, is the cure for these challenges.
Preaching Made Practical - The Nature of a Sermon
This book provides practice guidelines around preaching. The first chapter focuses on the nature of the sermon (What is a sermon?). The author defines the sermon as the "official, ministerial, public proclamation, explanation, illustration and application of the Word of God written as it reveals Christ to the church and to the world."
Dr Martyn Lloyd-Jones and Evangelicals in Wales: Bala Ministers' Conference 1955-2014 - Exciting Background
This book discusses the history of the Bala Ministers’ Conference in Wales from its inception until recent years, and the role played by Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones. The author critically examines this history, drawing conclusions regarding the relationship between the Word and Spirit in evangelism. This section outlines the background behind the establishment of the Ministers' Conference in 1955.
Developing Healthy Spiritual Growth - Spiritual Growth in Knowledge
This book discusses spiritual growth with the foundation of Colossians 1:9-10. Christians are called to grow spiritually in knowledge, practice and experience. In this chapter, the author focuses on growing in knowledge.
Defiant Grace: The Surprising Message and Mission of Jesus - Matthew: the Surprise of Disobedient Obedience
Jesus' coming fulfilled Old Testament prophecy, but did so in a way which shattered expectations. Jesus brought grace in a way that is counterintuitive and contrary to what we would expect. This book examines how Jesus and the gospel of grace are revealed in each of the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This section focuses on the book of Matthew, showing how Jesus' rebuke is counterintuitive.
A Study Commentary on Daniel - The Setting in Babylon
This commentary on the book of Daniel discusses the themes of the kingdom and covenant which run through this book. The author also discusses the place of the book of Daniel within the biblical framework of redemptive history, the date and the structure and theology of the book Daniel. This section is also an exposition of Daniel 1.
Christians in a PC World - Atheism and its Consequences
The modern world has embraced political correctness. This new societal outlook has put pressure on churches, and has even led some churches to compromise the gospel. In this chapter, the author shows that political correctness and confusion around morality are the result of tacit atheism.
Christ and the Desert Tabernacle - Building Materials
This book maintains that the Old Testament tabernacle is a shadowy picture of Christ and the church. In this chapter, the author discusses how the materials used to build the tabernacle (as recorded in Exodus 25:1-9) are significant for the church today.
A Candle in the Wind - Shaking the Tree
This book discusses the subject of conscience. In this chapter, the author surveys the Old and New Testament to give a biblical perspective on this subject.
Burial or Cremation for Christians? A Biblical Pattern for Funerals - The Body and Soul and Their Ultimate Destination
Burial or cremation? This book discusses funeral practices, arguing that burial is the preferable option. In this chapter, the author explains that burial fits better with a Christian understanding of death and the relationship between body and soul. In addition, burial is in line with biblical practice.
A Study Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles - Prelude to Pentecost
This commentary on Acts maintains that Luke wrote both the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. In his gospel, Luke focuses on Jesus' ministry on earth. In Acts, Luke continues on by looking at the ministry of the exalted Jesus through His apostles. This chapter is an exegesis of Acts 1. The author also discusses the introductory questions of the book of Acts (author, purpose, date of Acts etc.).
A Study Commentary on 1 & 2 Thessalonians - Opening Section and Thanksgiving
This is the first chapter of a commentary on 1 and 2 Thessalonians. These books were written to encourage the church in her growth, and to offer guidance around doctrinal issues facing the church, especially regarding the Second Coming. This section focuses on the authorship of 1 Thessalonians, the purpose and occasion for the letter, and a exposition of 1 Thessalonians 1:1-10.
A Study Commentary on 1 Kings - 1 Kings 1
This is the first chapter of a commentary on 1 Kings. The book of 1 Kings displays God’s faithfulness in the midst of the unfaithfulness of His people. This chapter discusses the subtleties of character portrayal, plot and dialogue in 1 Kings 1, and how these reveal God’s purposes for His people.
Does God Believe in Atheists? - The Greeks Had Words for it
This is the introduction and first chapter of a book which argues for the existence of God. The author maintains that atheism cannot be supported by science, and discusses the implications of believing in the existence of God. The focus of this section is the perspective of the Greek philosophers on religion. Is it true that religious ideas began with animism, developed into polytheism, and ended with monotheism?