Ten Things You Should Know about Montanism
Is there a link between Montanus, Montanism, and the Charismatic Movement? This article looks at the history and the teaching of Montanus and the origin of Montanism, outlining ten things you need to know about Montanism.
Montanus: First Charismatic
The church has always been faced with heretical teachings. This article introduces Montanus, and his teaching known as Montanism. It shows how the church responded to it, and how it concerns the church today?
Tongues-Speech: A Patristic Analysis
Was there speaking in tongues in the period immediately following the apostles? Hunter examines writings from the early church fathers for the possible references to the phenomena of glossolalia. Specific attention is given to reactions against Montanism.
Tertullian – Victim of Caricature
Tertullian is often an unattractive figure to modern people. He had a strict asceticism, and his departure into Montanism does not help to popularize him. This paper focuses on what Tertullian's position was with regard to philosophy (notably irrationalism) and the philosophers of his day.
A Creed, A Canon, And An Organization
In this article on church history, the author shows how the introduction of heresies such as Gnosticism and Montanism created a need for the Apostles' Creed, a New Testament canon, and church organisation.