Do Believers Have Guardian Angels?
Does every believer have a guardian angel? Does not Matthew 18:10 imply that believers have guardian angels? The article engages with these questions
A Closer Look at the Golden Rule of Matthew 18
Forgiven and Forgiving
Church Discipline Marks of a Healthy Church 11
Forgotten Guardians and Matthew 18:10
Are there guardian angels protecting God's children? This essay looks at Matthew 18:10 in its literary context. Next, it notes that some scholars deny that single Christians have a guardian angel. However, the article finds in early Jewish and Christian sources references to angels whose mission was to avenge the evil made to children.
Forgive and Forget: Is This the Christian Way of Marriage?
This article considers the idea of unilateral or unconditional forgiveness, and uses abuse in marriage as an illustration. The author demonstrates that unilateral forgiveness is not the default position of the Bible, as Matthew 18 makes clear.
Matthew 18:1-4 – Becoming Like Children
What does the Lord Jesus mean when he exhorts his disciples to become like children? This article considers the account in Matthew 18:1-4, which challenges our pride and confronts us with the mark of kingdom life.
Matthew 18:1-4 – “Who Is the Greatest?”
The issue of who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven was a matter of great weight to the Lord Jesus. The issue is addressed in all three Synoptic Gospels. For Jesus it is much more than a quarrel among his disciples; it is actually nothing less than the possibility that they will forego their place in the eschatological kingdom. The article focuses on Matthew 18:1-4, but the parallels in Mark and Luke are taken into account.
Knowing the Forgiveness of God
This article discusses the need for forgiveness of sins in order to enjoy a relationship with God. The parable of the unmerciful servant in Matthew 18 is discussed.
Losing Count … Forgiving Others
Matthew 18:15-35 - The Erring Brother
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 18:15-35.
Matthew 18:1-14 - Greatness in the Kingdom
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 18:1-14.