Was the Apostle Paul an Advocate of the "Prosperity" Gospel?
Should we give in order to get? The prosperity gospel says, Yes. What does the Bible say about Christian giving? The article explains based on 2 Corinthians 9:6-8, 10-11.
Poverty, Prosperity, and The Gospel
Joel Osteen and the Glory Story
The health and wealth or prosperity gospel has produced a new form of salvation contrary to the one taught in Scripture. It is salvation from unhappiness by doing your best. This article explains how this is so with a focus on the evaluation of the ministry of Joel Osteen.
The False Teachers: Creflo Dollar
The prosperity gospel teaches that God has promised his people financial and other forms of prosperity in this life, if only God’s people will take the necessary steps to claim this prosperity. This teaching is false, and the article looks at one of the false teachers advancing this teaching: Creflo Dollar.
The Prosperity Gospel: A Global Epidemic
The prosperity gospel is one of the deadliest teachings in the world today. After defining it as God’s plan for you to live your best life now, this article gives three areas where it twists Scripture and three ways of countering this twisting of Scripture.
The Old Testament Promise of Material Blessings and the Contemporary Believer
Does the Old Testament advocate a prosperity gospel? How should we understand the teaching of texts like Leviticus 26, Deuteronomy 28, and Psalm 37?
Suffering Now, Glory Later?
This article shows that prosperity gospel has twisted God's word, and is actually not gospel at all since it promises what God did not promise. Working from Romans 5:3-5, the author shows that the true gospel message is suffering now and glory later. This was the pattern of Christ's life and this is the pattern of His followers, because through suffering God's works out in us the character which He desires.