Divorce and Remarriage: The Exception Clause in Matthew
Luke 22:29-30 and the Time Frame for Dining and Ruling
What was the timeframe anticipated by Jesus for the fulfillment of the promises in Luke 22:29-30? This article argues that on the basis of verbal, grammatical, contextual, logical, and other factors, it is the eschaton that is in view. The author explains further that neither the differences between Luke 22:29-30 and Matthew 19:28 nor the limited thematic likeness between Luke 22:29-30 and apostolic activity in Acts count against his conclusion.
Did Moses Permit Divorce? Modal "weqatal" as Key to New Testament Readings of Deuteronomy 24:1-4
Did the New Testament permit divorce in Matthew 19 and elsewhere? This article argues that an improved syntactic analysis of the Old Testament text shows Moses to have in fact issued a specific directive on divorce; however, that directive in Deuteronomy 24 was open to the kind of misunderstanding that Jesus needed to correct.
The Remarriage of the “Innocent Party”
Is the innocent party in a divorce situation allowed to remarry? From Matthew 19:9 this article argues that there is no room for remarriage for both the guilty and innocent party in a divorce.
On the Logical Structure of Matthew 19:9
The exception phrase in Matthew 19:9 has many implications for a Christian understanding of divorce and remarraige. The article argues for the limited usefulness of the logical structure of any text to determine its meaning.
Jesus' Divorce Exception
Did the Lord Jesus ever permit divorce? Often an appeal is made to Matthew 19:9 to motivate such a claim. Wiebe exegetes the passage to consider the possibility of interpreting this verse as an exception to the view that divorce can never be allowed legitimately.
"Is It Lawful for a Man to Divorce His Wife?"
The Pharisees addressed Jesus in Mark 10:2-12 with the question whether it is lawful for a man to divorce his wife. The purpose of this essay is to ascertain how the Bible answers that question, with focus on Mark 10 and Matthew 19:3-12.
Sell Your Possessions and Give to the Poor’: A Theological Reflection on Jesus’ Teaching Regarding Personal Wealth and Charity
This article shows the impact that Matthew 19:16-26, Luke 12:33, and Luke 14:33 have on personal wealth and charity. It shows this by looking at how the church in history interacted with these texts, and what Jesus meant by them, and then it draws implication for the church today.
About Divorce and Remarriage The Style of the Kingdom versus Remaining Sin and Weakness
Matthew 19:16-30 - Riches and the Rich
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 19:16-30.
Matthew 19:13-15 - Jesus and the Children
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 19:13-15.
Matthew 19:1-12 - The Question of Divorce
This article is a Bible study on Matthew 19:1-12.
Marriage: a lifelong bond
This article is about marriage as a bond for life. The author also looks as marriage and remarriage. Scripture passages like 1 Corinthians 7:39, Ephesians 5:31-32 and Matthew 19:9 is also discussed.
Mark 10:13-16 - Our Children - God's Children
In this article on Mark 10:13-16 (and Matthew 19:13-15 and Luke 18:15-17), the author focuses on children in the kingdom of God, and the children of believers as part of the covenant with God. Genesis 17:7 is also discussed.