Revelation 13:1-14:5 - Always Remember that Christ Reigns
Revelation 14:6–13 - The Everlasting Gospel
Revelation 14:1–5 - The Lamb standing on Mount Zion
Revelation 14:1–5 - The Lamb on Mount Zion and the 144,000
Revelation 14:1-13 - God Will Resolve the Conflict Between Good and Evil
Revelation 14:14-20 - When the Harvest is Ripe, God Wraps Up out History
Does Revelation 14:11 Teach Eternal Torment? Examining a Proof-Text on Hell
A proof-text used for the doctrine of eternal torment in hell is Revelation 14:11. Bowles examines this text and argues for a new interpretation, suggesting that the traditional reading of this verse misses much. Thus, in contrast to the traditionally accepted viewpoint on this text, the author argues that God will bring his enemies to judgment, with absolute destruction and extinction as the result.
Do the Prophets Teach That Babylonia Will Be Rebuilt in the Eschaton?
In Dispensationalist theology it is traditionally argued that “Babylon” in Revelation 14, Revelation 17, and Revelation 18 is a symbol indicating some form of a re-established Rome. This view is built on a reading of the prophets Isaiah and Jeremiah in such a way that the rebuilding of the city and empire of Babylonia should be expected in the eschaton.