Our shameless culture
Shepherding Your Children through Media Choices
This article encourages parents to make wise decisions and set good examples for their families in their choice of media in the home. Parents must stand guard, stimulate and spirituality, spend time with the children. The article lays out five practical questions for parents to consider in creating a strategy for their own families.
What Does Hollywood Have to Do with Wheaton? The Place of (Pop) Culture in Theological Reflection
Is the claim true that states that more theology is communicated in one hour of popular television than sermons in churches on a weekend? Grenz claims that pop culture in general and the entertainment industry in particular are potent shapers of society's fundamental convictions.
Cultural Revolution
Christians and the Media About a visiting Pope and a murdered Hindu Leader
The Times, They Are Changing!
Living on the Lunatic Fringe
The Media's Role in Making the World a Wilderness
Moving Pictures: Theologizing At The Movies
This article shows that entertainment, movies, the film industry, and media all convey a message, which includes ideologies, values, world-view, philosophy, and theology. The author discusses how he reviews movies in order to understand their theology and message.
Questions To Ask of Films: Worksheet
Mopping the Floor While Leaving the Tap Open
Mass Media – Modern Means of Communication
Where have Our Children Gone? A Review of Neil Postman’s The Disappearance of Childhood
Don't Read a Newspaper, Read a Book
This article is about the bias in the media, media and entertainment, and media and Christianity.