Round Four: The Redaction Debate Continues
Is redaction criticism a legitimate exegetical tool in the interpretation of the New Testament? The focus of this paper is the concerns some evangelical scholars have with the use of redaction criticism.
Is redaction criticism a legitimate exegetical tool in the interpretation of the New Testament? The focus of this paper is the concerns some evangelical scholars have with the use of redaction criticism.
This paper tries to put down the basic terms for the functioning of redaction criticism as an exegetical tool for New Testament exegesis. The author uses Matthew 10 as a test case.
Osborne continues his positive reappraisal of redaction criticism as an exegetical tool. This essay reflects on thinking in evangelical circles about the legitimacy of this tool for exegesis of the New Testament, and also demonstrates the way it can function.
Solutions to problems in society and literature are more often today sought in the structure of things. Origin is no longer the almost-exclusive focus of attention in biblical studies. Structuralism springs from social sciences. Poythress evaluates it for its value as an exegetical tool.